Neti Pots & Cleansers

Cleansing your nose? Picking the right option can be difficult, but a natural remedy such as Neti pots make it easy.

Health Benefits

By using Neti Pots for nasal rinsing, you rule out the possibilities of allergies and infection that causes problems like sinusitis. The rinsing routine varies depending on the intensity of the infection you carry. Your doctor might advise you to cleanse your nasal passages twice a day or more if you have chronic nasal infections. It is similar to brushing your teeth twice a day. By rinsing the passage, you eliminate the excess mucus and debris that could lead to infections or allergies in the later stage.


You can choose between ceramic, plastic, copper or steel Neti pots. The cheapest option available is the plastic Neti pot, which is smaller in size. It can be an excellent choice for travelling options. But it is also disadvantageous as it does not help in efficient nasal rinsing due to its smaller size.

The copper Neti pots are usually expensive but come in large sizes. These pots are less fragile. Some people believe that the metal has medicinal properties for healing. While ceramic Neti pots made of porcelain looks great, stainless steel pots steal the show due to several benefits like perfect size and fragility. It might have small rust after overuse, but you can clean it well and use it. It is hygienic and safer to handle.


Fill up the pot with rinse solution and stand over a sink. Squeeze the solution inside your nose by placing the spout on the hole. The water you use with the mixture is equally important as it decides the quality of irrigation. Distilled and boiled water is the perfect choice for a quality nasal rinsing.

Sinuses? Not a worry anymore! Shop the range of health and beauty products available on eBay today.