Wooden Garden & Storage Sheds

Wooden Garden Sheds and Storage

Clean up your yard with an outdoor storage shed. Instead of leaving tools, toys, and patio chairs out in the elements, put them in a water-resistant wood shed. Before you decide on which building you plan to purchase, you should ask yourself a couple of questions. How much space do you have in the yard and how do you plan to use the building? No matter what style or colour of your home, a wooden garden shed is a lovely addition. Extend the life of your gardening tools by protecting them inside a building.

Garden Shed Style

One of the most commonly found garden storage building styles is the apex building. The building itself resembles a small house. You could also choose to purchase an offset apex shed which extends the roof out and over the door to give you additional coverage from the weather. Additional styles include lean-to, corner, and pent. The barn style shed features higher eaves giving you more room inside to place taller items.

Garden Shed Roof Type

Whether you pick a roof with a peak or you decide to go with a flat garden and storage shed is up to your personal style. The size and shape of your shed help to determine the type of roof you get.

Garden Shed Sizes

Although many of the garden and storage sheds on the market are considered “large,” it is not true for all of them. Sheds are available in multiple sizes and shapes. Smaller products are a great way to clean up around the curb. Keep your rubbage cans out of sight and remove animal’s access to them. To keep contents dry and ventilated, this type of shed features built-in ventilation and a sturdy lid.

Garden Shed Door Position

Door position and the number of doors are two important considerations that must be decided on before making a purchase. For example, if you plan to put a lawnmower in the shed, then double doors located on the front of the shed are ideal. The extra door opening gives you enough room to drive the mower inside. However, if you only plan to store tools, a single door on either the front or side will work fine.