Bird Aviaries


The key to finding the perfect bird cage is to make sure your animal has enough room to grow. You never want to put a birdie in a cage that will make him cramped and unable to move around. Just because you have a small sized parrot now doesn't mean you won't have a large one in a few years.

Stay Inside

Birds are a joy to own. They sing in the morning, you don't have to take them for a walk, and they never complain about staying in a cage. However, inside animals need a change of scenery now and then. For this reason, a home on wheels is a must. Place the enclosure in the study for morning sun and move it to the back room for evening light.

Enjoy the Outside

Birds are outside creatures, and although your bird is a domestic animal that doesn't mean she shouldn't be able to soak up the sun outdoors. Move the cage to the porch or purchase a second one for leaving outside. If you buy one with a sturdy roof, you can set it in the middle of the yard and know your pet will be safe from predators as well as the weather. Be mindful that this can be specific for only certain breeds. A number of pet birds are sensitive to drafts, which can cause them to take ill and die, so be sure to double-check before pursuing such an option.

Built to Last

Strong materials need to be incorporated when making a home for a bird. Because a bird's beak can be mighty powerful, a flimsy material will not work. A wood aviary bird cage or a stainless steel one will stand up to years of abuse from your feathered friend.

Show the Love

To give your animal options, look for cages that offer two or more perches for sitting, and try to incorporate perches of differing textures to promote foot and claw health. In addition, bird feeders that attach to the side of the bars makes changing out water a breeze. Clean up of most enclosures is as simple as sliding out a drawer and replacing the used paper with new.