Life Jacket

Put Safety First with a Life Jacket

Life Jackets are designed for different purposes, ages, sizes, and weights. Therefore, it really is important to consider your options carefully when it comes to purchasing one. Take your time and browse this selection to make sure you select the right jacket to suit your requirements.

Whether you're planning on a relaxing boat trip, some exciting jet skiing, or you want to kayak in rough waters, wearing a life jacket is essential. Water conditions can change quickly, potentially putting you in harm's way, so put your safety first with a life jacket.

What is a life jacket?

Life jackets are marine safety devices which, when they're worn in the correct manner, provide buoyancy in the water, increasing the likelihood of survival. Most people require an extra seven to 12 pounds of buoyancy in order keep their head above water, however, other factors such as chest size, weight, and body fat can play a role in how well the jacket will keep the wearer afloat. Keep in mind when buying a lifejacket that buoyancy is measured in Newtons (N). 10 Newtons is equal to 1kg of flotation.

Types of life jackets

In Australia, there have been three types of life jackets for recreational use, types 1, 2, and 3, according to the style of the boat. However, recent changes to the Australian Standard rely on a description of buoyancy, rather than type.

In the past, lifejackets were often bulky and heavy, leaving wearers feeling weighed down and uncomfortable. However, the modern day personal flotation device, or PFD, is usually very lightweight and user-friendly. You'll find life jackets in adult and kids sizes, and even some specifically for dogs.

Boat users should wear boating PFDs at all times, and particularly in situations of increased risk, including at night when visibility is restricted, during severe weather, and when there is the potential to capsize or fall overboard, like when partaking in water sports. Wearing an inflatable jacket whilst boating could save your life, so make sure you choose the right one to suit your needs.