AFL, Rugby League & Union Shirts

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Rugby Union Shirts

Rugby union shirts are manufactured with durability in mind, designed to withstand the physical nature of the sport. These shirts vary in material, colour and brand, often leaving players with bountiful choices. To find the best fit, keep your shirt size in mind. Rugby union shirts are designed to fit snugly on the wearer's body, making it difficult for the shirt to be grabbed by the opposing team. In addition to rugby jerseys, you should also consider investing in other rugby clothing and equipment, including shorts, knee-high socks, a mouthguard and boots.

What Type of Material is Used for Rugby Union Shirts?

Traditional rugby union shirts were made from a heavy cotton fabric; however, more modern shirts are generally made from cotton blended with lightweight polyester. This material offers durability and breathability, which is a must for rugby. It also has moisture-wicking properties, meaning that the fabric dries faster than other fabric used in similar shirts. Additionally, cotton-polyester jerseys hold their shape and colour well and are less likely to pill over time.

What Size Shirt Do I Need?

One size does not fit all when it comes to selecting a rugby shirt. While some shirts are designed to offer a loose fit, rugby union shirts are usually form-fitted. A properly sized rugby top should offer a snug fit, while still allowing for mobility, flexibility and optimal comfort. Prior to purchasing one, make sure to take appropriate body measurements and consult the manufacturer's size chart. It is also important to note that sizing may vary slightly between brands, so be sure to try any shirt that you're considering on before making a purchase whenever possible.

Which Companies Produce Rugby Union Shirts?

Due to the popularity of the sport, rugby union shirts are widely fabricated by many manufacturers that offer a wide range of rugby jersey styles, making it easy to find the style that fits you best. Several popular brands include Kooga, ASICS and adidas, and these manufacturers are renowned for producing high-quality shirts that offer long-lasting comfort and wear while being designed with performance in mind.