Acoustic Treatments

Whether you need your own private sanctuary to work in peace or want to start your own music space so you don't wake up the neighbours, acoustic foam can help to soundproof a room.

Just like air, sound travels through the smallest nook and cranny. Acoustic foam absorbs these sound waves to produce a better sound for you while dulling the resonance outside. Soundproofing a room with acoustic foam does not require high-level construction skills or specialised tools. In fact, anyone who has a little bit of carpentry experience can carry out this job.

How to soundproof a room using acoustic foam

First, measure your walls accurately. While you may not want to put sound absorption foam in the ceiling, it will make a huge difference, so maybe measure this as well if you'd like. Then, use a handsaw to cut the cardboard panels to the dimensions of your room. You will then need to cut the acoustic foam to the same size - be sure to wear safety goggles and a dust mask. Attach the acoustic foam to the cardboard panels by applying foam glue liberally to the area. Allow the glue to dry for a minimum of two hours. For the last step, nail each cardboard panel to the walls. If you plan to remove your acoustic foam in the future, just nail the edges of each panel.

Benefits of soundproofing a room

The most obvious answer is that they reduce noise pollution, which almost everyone who isn't using the noise room will be grateful for. It also improves the room's design and enhances sound quality, so if you are watching a movie, you can use your subwoofers and speakers to imitate cinematic quality. Soundproofing a room means that you will have more privacy while you study or play your musical instruments.

If you require acoustic foam for your home or office, shop online on eBay today.