Health Care Supplies Wholesale & Lots

Health Care Supplies Wholesale Lots

Medical professionals, businesses, and individuals that use certain items routinely benefit by purchasing health care supplies in wholesale lots. These supplies also include beauty and personal care items as well as medical and special needs provisions. Buying these necessities in bulk is convenient and economical when providing a service to hundreds of people or using the items regularly in your home.

Health Care

Many people use PH test strips to test whether their blood is acidic or alkaline which helps determine their overall health. The same strips are used to test urine to discover a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or other malady. Other parts of the body such as the stomach have different PH measurements to reveal certain diseases. Likewise, you can purchase wholesale lots of dropper bottles for storing solvents, saline, and herbal essences or buy heat packs available in bundles of 10 or more to soothe aches. Furthermore, a pack of reading glasses means you'll have a pair for home, the office, your vehicle, and one for a backpack.

Beauty and Personal Care

Anyone that makes homemade substances such as lip balm or honey can buy clear jars to store their goods for resale. Other wholesale beauty and personal care supplies include disposable hair nets for restaurant and lab workers to wear or disposable sheets a masseuse uses to cover spa tables. Additionally, you can purchase pump bottles for hand lotion, liquid soap, and facial moisturisers or stock up on eyelash extensions so you never run out of the personal care accessory.

Special Needs

Surgical masks are used daily by doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals and are boxed in quantities of 50 or more pieces. If motion sickness is a common occurrence, keep anti-nausea patches nearby and amass an inventory of anti-bacterial travel santitisers during the flu and cold seasons. Moreover, dentists can purchase dental bibs in packs of 500, latex gloves, and other items at a discounted price to recognise a considerable cost savings. Nasal strips to reduce snoring and household ziplock bags are examples of the variety of items available in wholesale lots.