DJ CD/MP3 Players

DJ quality audio with DJ CD MP3 Players

As a DJ you have to make sure that every performance that you do is completely on-point. Of all your DJ equipment you may fond that DJ CD and MP3 players are among the most versatile.

CD slots

There are two main CD player types that can be used for DJing. Both are very similar and both have the ability to play multiple CDs at once. A DJ CD player can have two slots for CDs or it can have multiple channels as well. A CD player comes with a range of features and this can include a stop, play, fast-forward, rewind and even various sound options as well.

An MP3 player does not require a CD slot at all and this is because all of the audio tracks are stored digitally on the player, arguably an MP3 has a lesser quality than a CD, but you can store far more tracks with this digital format. The CD or MP3 player you choose will largely depend on the type of music that you want to play.

Combination players

A combination CD or MP3 player can be portable. A combination Hi-Fi player can come with a radio and in some instances, it can even be connected to an iPod or even a turntable. A combination player has plenty of options when it comes to controlling the sound and brands of combination players include Sony, Numark, Reloop and Pioneer.

The type of DJ CD player or iPod player you choose will depend on your budget, the experience that you have and even the type of DJing you want to do. Someone who is performing live may want to opt for a CD slot with an additional mixer, whereas combination players are ideal for those who want to learn without all of the extra features.