First Aid Kits & Bags

First Aid Kits and Bags

First aid is by far the most useful skill a person can learn. It is taught in some schools where some even consider it a mandatory skill. Every household should have at least a basic kit to handle symptoms like bleeding until the ambulance arrives. You can assemble your own kit, but a pre-assembled kit with a dedicated bag can come in useful, especially as it saves from you the trouble of making sure you have the essentials. You’d be surprised how handy it can be when you least expect to need it.


Before you head out the door, pack a travel first aid kit and bag to prepare you for contingencies. You never know who might need a little treatment—it could even be you. Choose travel kits made for your specific region. Kits often include adhesive dressings, sterile eye pads, nitrile gloves, hypoallergenic adhesive tape, and more. It can be hard to list all the things you need for a kit, so relying on reputable brands can save you time as it’s their job to include every essential. Some travel kits have vacant areas for specific or optional elements like antiseptic liquid, sunscreen, or bug repellent to allow you to customise the kit to your preferences.


Trauma first aid kits and bags are understandably more expensive due to the specialised medicines and equipment essential to treating trauma victims. Physical trauma refers to bodily injury resulting from an external force. As a result of the varying circumstances in which it can occur, these kits feature different kinds of dressings, cleansing agents, burn sheets, cold packs, bandages of every size, disposable gloves, splinter forceps and probes, among other items.

Bare Essentials

If you do not want to carry a whole bag filled with first aid stuff wherever you go, try assembling a kit with the bare minimum so you can at least treat some wounds. Your custom kit can come to your rescue, especially when off cycling or having a little adventure. Consider including a bottle of antiseptic, a roll of sterile gauze, several bandages of different sizes, an autoinjector to treat anaphylaxis, and a space blanket for warmth. These items should see you through some serious injuries until you can get professional help.