Exercise Bikes

Cycle your way to a healthier lifestyle with exercise bikes

Save yourself some pennies on a gym membership by browsing exercise bikes for use at home or in your own home gym, whether you're looking for a simple upright machine or a high-spec recumbent exercise bike.

Exercise bikes are a great piece of cardio equipment for improving your fitness, helping to lose weight, or upping your cardio, whether you're having a long and steady ride while watching your favourite programme or are looking working in fast and short blasts listening to your favourite music.

Features and functions to look out for include digital screens, a range of resistance settings and pre-set workouts. You'll want to ensure that your bike has an adjustable seat for a comfortable workout and is sturdy enough to withstand intense cardio workouts.

Upright Cycles

If you're looking for something to get started, upright cycles are usually cheaper and better for beginners. If you're short on space, try a folding upright cycle that you can put away in storage when you're not using it.

Spinning Cycles

Another common type of exercise bike is the spinning cycle, otherwise known as an indoor cycle. It more closely resembles the real cycling experience. The seat leans forward so that you can stand on the pedals, giving you a wider range of exercises that you can do on your bike.

Alternatively, if you're a big cycling fan and want to train on your own bike indoors, check out turbo trainers. These are stands which secure your bike in place, attaching to the back wheel so that your bike remains sturdy and stationary while you take your own bike for a spin.

Recumbent Exercise Bikes

If you suffer from back pain or pressure, or want a laid-back ride that will keep you fit, check out recumbent exercise bikes. These have a full seat design so that you can recline and support your back while you work out.

The additional support also means that the recumbent bikes put a lot less pressure on your knees and ankles too, so is an ideal solution for those with joint pain.