Other Railroadiana

Other railroadiana old and new

Expand your railway collection with other railroadiana in classic vintage, retro and modern styles and designs. Whether you're into clothing or railroad memorabilia for your home, or office, you can be sure to find something to suit your unique style, on eBay.

Expand your clothing collection

Genuine railroadiana items that are wearable include an AURIZON Queensland rail employee shirt. The size 46 classic thin stripe shirt features a traditional collar, and cuffs, translucent buttons, and an embroidered logo on the chest. Hi-Viz QR performance logo shirts are an alternative choice.

Other railroadiana rare finds are QR coal, and minerals ties. The burgundy coloured tie features a distinctive design of traditional gold tone coal trunks, in a diagonal pattern formation.

Embellish your railroadiana QR tie with a stylish steam locomotive tie bar. The high-definition design metal tie bar is finished with bright red, and black enamel.

Railroadiana with modern functionality

High-quality rubber-backed polyester fibre covered computer mouse pads are available in a popular selection of other railroadiana designs. The QR 1901 motor rail design is tinted for an authentic retro style.

Practical, and versatile railroadiana souvenir travel sets contain everything that you need for a day out trainspotting. The Railway XPT Countrylink set comprises of a staff travel mug, a train design USB stick, a portable phone recharger, headphones, playing cards, stickers, and a ceramic coffee mug. Sets that include a cooler bag and toilet bag are also available.

Collectables for display

Genuine collectable railway tickets that are supplied in sets of 10pcs, make a cracking addition to railroad collections. Choose from a selection of vintage, retro, and modern designs.

High-resolution railroadiana posters are rare to find. The A3 posters feature full-size designs of classic Victorian Railways Melbourne, to Adelaide trains.

Keep track of the trains, with a vintage train departure destination tin roller sign. The handmade pocket-sized tin is fitted with a roller, and a manual clock arm. This railroadiana piece can also be used to check arrivals.