Stethoscope Parts & Accessories


Doctors and stethoscopes go together and with a good reason. A stethoscope is probably the most essential instrument for one's medical career, and thus you select one with care. In medicine and science, quality plays a key role when delivering the best results. A high-quality stethoscope does not only perform its task well, but also feels comfortable for both the doctor and the patient.


The headset should perform well and be convenient to wear. Adjustability is the key here for individual fit and ultimate comfort. As a standard, the headset should be at a 15-degree angle and made from sturdy materials, such as titanium or stainless steel. Quality metals ensure good audio and acoustics. In addition, the tubing is also vital for the sound quality as it isolates the sounds from the external noise. For safety reasons, you should prefer longer tubing that puts a greater distance between you and the patient.


The right eartips make the stethoscope easy to wear and also deliver high-quality sounds. Choose eartips that sit tightly inside your ears, ensuring maximum acoustic performance without causing you ear irritation, so you can listen to the patient's heart properly. The better the sound, the more accurate your observations can be, and accuracy is everything.


The manufacturer should have made the chestpiece from durable, long-lasting materials like the rest of the stethoscope. Pay attention to its finish as well, both inside and outside, because a smooth, hand-polished chestpiece of good quality should deliver crisp and clear sounds.

Other Tools to Consider

If you are serious about your medical career, you do need some other essential items as well. Purchase your own microscope and a set of medical scientific scales. There's a benefit to having these essentials of your own when you are studying to become a doctor.