Register to sell in restricted categories on

man holding box in warehouse

Restricted categories

Certain products are restricted to sellers who have been pre-approved by eBay or who meet selling requirements, as explained in our Products with eligibility requirements policy.

Approval to list in the category will be at eBay's discretion and is, at all times, subject to your compliance with the User Agreement.

How to apply:

  1. Review the relevant policy to ensure you are compliant with legal and policy requirements:

    Alcohol policy

    Prescription and over-the-counter medicines policy

    Medical devices policy (Covid-19 tests)

    Restricted adult items policy (Sexual Wellness products)

  2. Complete the application form. Please submit one form per category.
  3. We'll review the information provided and advise you of our decision within 7 working days.

Restricted categories:

illustration of alcohol


Register to sell in the Alcohol category

illustration of covid-19 test

Covid-19 Tests

Register to sell in the Covid-19 Tests category

illustration of pharmacy medicines

Pharmacy Medicines

Register to sell in the Pharmacy Medicines category

illustration of sexual awareness product

Sexual Wellness Products

Register to sell in the Sexual Wellness Products category