Minelab Gold Prospecting Waterproof Metal Detectors


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Minelab Gold Prospecting Waterproof Metal Detectors

Gold prospecting is becoming a very popular pastime among young and old Australians alike. Although the days of making a fortune out of gold are over, it is still possible to make some handy cash while by prospecting in the outback. If you are a prospector, or would like to start prospecting, then you will need some sort of metal detector or gold detector to help you find nuggets and small pieces of gold. Minelab gold detectors are among the best on the market. They are generally tough, high quality and affordable. They are the perfect prospecting companion for people searching for gold in the Australian outback.

Choosing a Minelab Metal Detector

Minelab metal detectors come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of them (like the Minelab GPX 4500) are larger and designed for experienced prospectors, while others (like the Minelab GPX 3030) are for people starting out on their prospecting journey. Pay attention to things like price, size and detector sensitivity when choosing your Minelab gold detector. If you are a smaller person, it would make sense to choose a smaller metal detector, and vice versa if you are a big person. Make sure that you have something that you can comfortably carry around for hours at a time while prospecting.

Why Buy a Waterproof Minelab Gold Prospecting Metal Detector?

The Australian bush can be a tough place. Rain is common at certain times of year, which means that a waterproof Minelab detector can be a useful tool. A waterproof detector works in the rain without you having to worry about damage or faulty readings. This means that you can potentially prospect more often and in more comfortable conditions; rain often cools the Australian outback down to bearable temperatures.

Minelab Metal Detector Accessories

If you already have a waterproof Minelab gold detector, you might consider buying some metal detector accessories to help you on your prospecting journey. Things like spare detector batteries, knuckle protectors and prospecting picks can be great additions to your gold hunting toolkit!