Beads & Jewellery Making Supplies

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Get on the craft graft with beading

If you are somebody who enjoys immersing yourself into some arts and crafts, whether it be to make things for yourself or even to create personalised presents for friends and family, craft beadings may be just down your alley. There is a massive range of craft beadings available that cover pretty much every style, design and colour available.

However, you don't have to draw the line at crafts. When it comes to beading, you can even inject some sparkle into your hair by incorporating some beautiful jewellery making beads into your hairstyles. Sliding beads onto a length of quality jewellery wire can make a great necklace.

Wooden bead supplies

Boho chic is all the rage, making wooden beads a craft material that is absolutely flying off the shelves. With plain beads available that show off the natural wood grain, or colours that can be mixed with neutral tones for a low-key yet elegant look, there is plenty of choice for everybody. Create some vintage looking jewellery or jazz up your favourite accessory.

Glass and plastic bead supplies

If you're looking to make your craft beading pop, then glass and plastic bead supplies are a great way of mixing it up in terms of texture and colour, with the durability of the materials used making them a great option for those who may wear the beads on a daily basis.

The beauty of beads is that they can be changed, rearranged and organised to suit whatever you feel on the day, and with so many varieties available, you can change them as often as you change your mood. Pearl finishes, bright colours and even letters can be bought, allowing you to make sure that your crafty designs stand out from the crowd. Once you've got the hang of beading, you could even begin making pieces of jewellery for your mates, acting as a ripper personalised hand-made gift that they'll love.