Slushie Makers

Slushie Makers

There’s nothing like an ice cold slushie on a blazing summer day. The tangy, fruity flavors from the syrup mix so blissful with the soft, frosty ice that even the most intense brain freeze will not keep you from slurping. For a house full of thirsty kids home after an afternoon of mucking about in the playground, a slushie maker or countertop blenders are must-haves. Not only do they make it easy to concoct a refreshing drink, they are easy to clean and consistent at making heavenly cold drinks.

Retro Slushie Makers

If you adore the old-school era of the 40’s, the retro slushie maker might just suit your style. It has a candy-like red finish and a transparent tank where all the action happens. Its interior cylinder is used to store ice which cools the syrup-and-water mixture to the point where the water turns into slush but does not freeze. A dispenser tap is located at the bottom of the tank, making it great for backyard barbies.

Squeezing Slushie Makers

Purchase a couple of squeezing slushie makers if you only want to make a couple of servings at a time. These innovative kitchen gadgets have two main parts: The exterior silicone cup and the interior cooling cup. The cooling cup must be put in the freezer for some time before it can be used, and then attached to the exterior cup. Repeatedly squeezing the exterior cup will cause the syrup mixture to move around in the cooling cup, thereby lowering its temperature to achieve that slushy goodness. The kit comes with a cover and a spoon straw.

Slushie Syrup and Ice Makers

The syrup is the soul of the slushie. It is a mixture of flavourings and sugar that is mixed with water to produce the slush. Choose between flavours such as red and green apple, lemon, watermelon, lime and strawberry, to name a few. Make your slushie creation task even more convenient by getting a countertop ice maker so that you never run out of cooling agents for your slushie machine.