Unbranded Industrial Cement Mixers

Unbranded Industrial Cement Mixers

Industrial cement mixers are a common sight on large-scale construction sites. Industrial cement mixers used rotating bearing assemblies with flanges to continuously mix cement particulate material within a mixing drum. The drum supports the rotating mixing shaft with a powered drive unit. Industrial cement mixers can mix solid concrete particulates or partially solid powders and granulating liquid cement. The mixing shaft combines the materials together in a cool temperature regulated mixing drum, ensuring that your cement doesn’t set, develop dead spots, crack or become unusable material. Unbranded cement mixers use a hydraulic or electric system to power the mixer.

Easy Operation

Using an unbranded industrial cement mixer doesn’t have to be a stressful task. Whether you’re using a large-scale hydraulic mixing system or a small 100L industrial electric mixer, the controls are easy to learn and hard to make mistakes on. Once you activate the mixing shaft system for a certain function, the cycling drum will continue rotating until you use the cement.


When you are cementing large areas in a developmental project, industrial cement mixers can often be in continuous use for long hours. In these sorts of situations, you need the reliability guarantee of unbranded cement mixers. To prevent unexpected failures, mixing shafts and mixing drums come with core redundancies and fail safe options, such as power transmission cabling, venting spouts and emergency shutdown levers.

Safe Operation and Health Features

When you’re operating heavy cementing equipment and other industrial hardware, the last thing on your mind is your own health and safety. To prevent unhealthy inhalation of fine particulate matter, unbranded industrial cement mixers use precise and constant mixing to prevent the release of heavy cement particulates.

Easy Preparation and Cleaning

Rather than waste your time preparing and deep-cleaning an industrial cement mixer, you can use the rotating flange to loosen up caked areas in the mixing drum. The temperature controlled units in unbranded cement mixers ensure that your cement never sets during cleaning cycles. Preparing your industrial cement mixer is a simple matter or priming the drive unit and checking for the proper rotation of the mixing shaft.