Kids Slide

Endless amounts of fun can be had with a kids slide

Kids of all ages love a slide, which is why you should think about adding one to your backyard. From toddler slides to water slides, shop a wide range here on eBay.

Toddler slides

Toddlers can be a handful and most of them seem to have a lot of energy. A foldable activity slide is perfect for this age group as they can climb the small steps easily to reach the top. Many of these toddler slides include a small basketball net on the side for added fun for your child. The foldable feature makes it super easy to store away in winter or when your child is finished playing for the day, making life much easier.

Indoor slides

If you don't have much space outside or the weather isn't great, an indoor slide is a perfect solution. It's small enough to fit indoors and you can easily store it after playtime. Available in a range of different colours and styles, an indoor slide is a great way to keep your child entertained throughout the day.

Outdoor slides

An outdoor slide is great for sunny days when the whole family is hanging out in the backyard enjoying the good weather. For older kids, you may want to go for a taller slide to make it more fun for them, whereas younger kids will find a smaller slide with fewer steps easier to climb and play with.

Water slides

With Australia's hot sun and high temperatures year-round, a water slide doesn't sound like a bad idea. A water slide is a great way to help kids cool down from the hot summer sun. It's also a good way to encourage your child to play outside with their friends rather than stay indoors all day.