Tricycle Unisex Adults Bikes

Unisex Adult Tricycle Bicycles

Tricycle bicycles, often referred to as trikes are essentially 3-wheel bikes. Adult trikes are prefered by older people, as they offer a little more stability than 2-wheel bikes. They are used in the western world for recreation, transportation and exercise.

What are the different types of unisex adult tricycles available?

There are a number of different trikes available:

  • Delta tricycles have two main wheels that are positioned behind of next to the rider
  • Tadpole tricycles have two main wheels that are positioned in front of the handlebar
  • Recumbent tricycles come in both the delta and tadpole versions and have the rider sitting in a reclining position
  • Convertibles allow riders to transform the tricycles between delta and tadpole configurations
  • Manual tricycles are powered by human hands or feet
  • Motorised tricycles are powered by combustible or electric engines

What is the preferred tricycle?

There are so many different tricycles to choose from; so it is important that you pick the model that is suited to you. If you are looking for a trike that gets you to work quickly without causing you to build up a sweat, then an electric tricycle is a good option. You don't have to pedal if you don't want to, but when you do want to exercise, pedalling is still an option. A more modern option is the folding tricycle. They fold up, meaning they can fit in smaller spaces and storage space is no longer a problem. You can also get a folding electric tricycle. If you are a little older and your flexibility isn't as good, a low step tricycle is great, allowing you to mount and dismount comfortably and carefully. If you are looking for something with a little more street credibility, the chopper tricycle is it. It has a relaxed appearance and is seen as a super cool trike. An industrial or heavy duty trike is able to carry larger capacities and are larger than a standard adult tricycle. If you are looking for a fun ride, the Trailmate Fun Cycle has a front wheel drive that you are able to steer with your body.