10 min article

Abusive buyer policy

Our abusive buyer policy lays out unacceptable buying behaviour.

This policy was updated on 16 January 2025 with some minor amendments for clarity, and is effective as of that date. Our policy guidelines are unchanged.

Buyers may not misuse feedback, returns, buyer protection programs or payment dispute processes. Our full policy below outlines eBay's expectations for buyer behaviour.

Nothing in this policy is or is intended to affect your rights under the Australian Consumer Law, including rights you may have against the seller for a repair, replacement or refund of a product which does not comply with the consumer guarantees.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I report abusive behaviour?

You can report a buyer to us by selecting the button below:

Report a buyer - opens in new window or tab

What should I do if I think a buyer is making an unreasonable demand?

You're not required to agree to any extras or changes from the terms of your listing. If a buyer is making demands that are not a part of your original listing, you'll be protected from negative feedback and defects when you either deliver the item purchased by the buyer according to the original terms of your listing, or cancel the transaction.

To help us identify buyers who are engaging in unacceptable buying behaviours, please report the abusive behaviour - opens in new window or tab.

We encourage you to communicate politely and professionally with the buyer.

What is a payment dispute?

A payment dispute occurs when a buyer initiates a chargeback for a purchase transaction with their credit card issuer or payment service provider.

For more information, see Handling payment disputes.

Read our full policy

Abusive buyer policy overview

This policy outlines our expectations for buyer behaviour. When buyers don't meet these standards, sellers can report abusive behaviour - opens in new window or tab.

Engaging in the unacceptable behaviour outlined in this policy may result in a range of actions, including issuing warnings to buyers, blocking buyers from requesting returns or refunds using the eBay platform (noting that this does not prevent a buyer from exercising any legitimate right under the Australian Consumer Law), blocking buyers from opening claims through eBay, and account suspension.

When we review a report of a member violating our policies, we look at the circumstances, including the member's history. We make decisions based on the evidence in the individual situation, as well as by evaluating patterns of behaviour that create a negative experience for users of eBay in the marketplace. If we aren't sure about something, we may not take any action. Also, because we respect our members' privacy, we do not discuss the results of any investigations.

Behaviours we don't allow

Demanding something not offered in the original listing
Not allowed Not allowed
  • Requesting a postage service not offered by the seller
  • Requesting that the seller post to an address other than what you included in checkout
  • Requesting to use a payment method not offered during checkout
  • Requesting that the seller hold your item so you can pay later
  • Requesting a partial refund without returning the item
  • Requesting additional items or services not included in the original listing or asking for a discount
  • Finding an item on eBay and taking the sale off eBay
Allowed Allowed
  • Selecting one of the postage services offered by the seller when you check out
  • Updating your address in your eBay account before you check out
  • Paying for your item through a payment option offered at checkout
  • Paying for your item within four days
  • Returning an item in accordance with the seller's returns policy
  • Purchasing items according to the terms included in the original listing
  • Finding an item on eBay and completing the sale on eBay
Making false claims
Not allowed Not allowed
  • Claiming an item was not received when there is proof of delivery to the address on the Order details page
  • Falsely claiming an item was not as described in order to return the item when the seller did not offer free returns
Allowed Allowed
  • Claiming an item was not received when it has not been delivered by the latest estimated delivery date
  • Claiming an item was not as described when the item you received did not match the description in the original listing
Misusing returns
Not allowed Not allowed
  • Returning an item other than the original item received
  • Using or damaging an item and then returning it
  • Returning an item with the reason that it was not as described when it was described accurately
  • Returning a high proportion (in number or value) of your items purchased. What is a high proportion may vary with individual circumstances
Allowed Allowed
  • Returning the original item that was received in its original condition
  • Returning an item with the reason that it was not as described when it was described inaccurately
Misusing eBay messaging or bidding
Not allowed Not allowed
  • Sending messages to force or intimidate the other member into something outside of the original agreement
  • Bidding on and winning an auction, but failing to pay for the item
Allowed Allowed
  • You can only retract a bid under exceptional circumstances
  • Using messages to ask questions to clarify listing descriptions or terms
Abusing eBay's buyer protection programs or your payment service provider's dispute processes
Not allowed Not allowed
  • Opening duplicate requests using other buyer protection programs
  • Opening a high proportion (in number or value) of eBay Money Back Guarantee cases, requests, other buyer protection cases or external payment disputes or chargebacks in relation to your items purchased. What is a high proportion may vary with individual circumstances
  • Harassing sellers about an item not received before the latest estimated delivery date has passed
  • Opening an eBay Money Back Guarantee request or other buyer protection case:
    • When you have already received a refund from the seller
    • When you haven't paid for an item
    • As retaliation against a seller following a previous dispute
  • Initiating a payment dispute when you have already received a refund for the item from the seller, or a reimbursement for the transaction from your payment service provider
Allowed Allowed
  • Opening an eBay Money Back Guarantee case, or opening a case with another buyer protection program after the item you received didn't match the description in the listing
  • Opening an eBay Money Back Guarantee case, or opening a case with another buyer protection program when you didn't receive the item and you haven't been able to resolve the issue with the seller
Not paying for items

Buyers must pay for items within 4 calendar days or the seller can cancel the order.

Buyers who have excessive unpaid items or cancelled orders may have limits imposed on their account, or lose their buying privileges. For more information, please see our Unpaid item policy.


Additional information

Acceptable buying practices include adherence to the following policies.

  • Communications: Your communications with sellers via email, eBay Messages or Community discussion boards should comply with our Member-to-member contact policy
  • Customs declarations: Asking a seller to falsely declare an item as a gift on a customs form is considered to be encouraging illegal activity
  • Contact information: All eBay members must keep their account details up to date. We take action when we know that a member has false or missing contact information
  • Using multiple accounts: Registering new accounts or using other existing accounts to avoid buying restrictions or limits or other policy consequences is not allowed. See our Multiple accounts policy for more information

Why does eBay have this policy?

We want to make sure eBay is a safe place to sell and buy. In order to make eBay a safe place to sell and buy, we hold our buyers and our sellers to certain standards. When buyers don't follow these standards, we take action against those buyers and we protect our affected sellers. The actions we take will be proportional to the nature of the issue we have identified and what is reasonably required to protect the legitimate interests of not only the seller(s) and buyer(s) involved but also the legitimate experience and interests of all eBay users and the legitimate interests of eBay as provider of the services.

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