Aussie Seller News - February 2024

We’ve listened to your feedback and are excited to bring you new features and enhancements to help you reach more buyers, sell more efficiently and protect your business.

On this page

Helping you promote and grow your business

  • We’re adding selling recommendations to help you sell faster and providing easier access to marketing tools
  • We’ve launched Vehicle ePID to help simplify parts compatibility
  • We’re partnering with Shippit to help streamline your order processing and freight costs

Enhancing protections on your account

  • We’ve improved security for Multi-User Account Access and added new tasks you can assign to your team
  • We’re enhancing buyer trust and experience with our Third Party Fulfilment policy

Helping you run your business more efficiently

  • We’re saving your draft listings for longer 
  • We’re continuing the roll out of our enhanced ‘Item Not Received’ process
  • We’re upgrading our Rate Table experience to make it easier to apply accurate postage to your listings
  • We’re streamlining the authentication process for luxury handbags

Tools to help you promote and grow your business

Sell faster with new recommendations and easier access to marketing tools

You’ll now see tailored ‘Sell it faster’ recommendations in your Listings tab. Store subscribers can now also manage listings with ease by creating markdown sale events directly from the Listings tab and automating offers to buyers.

We’re simplifying parts compatibility with Vehicle ePID

Vehicle ePID empowers you to provide precise fitment data down to the exact year, enhancing buyer trust and reducing returns.

Streamline order processing and freight costs with Shippit

We’re teaming up with Shippit to help you cut down your shipping costs, streamline order processing, and elevate your customer experience for bulky items.

Stronger protections on your account

New task allocations and protecting your business with MUAA

Strengthen your business security and delegate a wider range of tasks using our upgraded Multi-User Account Access (MUAA).

Enhancing trust with our Third-party fulfilment policy

Over the past year, we’ve improved our policy to provide a better shopping experience on eBay. This includes paying closer attention to sellers who use third-party fulfilment methods that don't meet our policy requirements.

Helping you run your business more efficiently

Retain your draft listings for longer

We’ll now save your draft listings for 75 days from the last update. Save up to 250 draft listings using the quick listing tool and 5,000 with Seller Hub.

An update on our enhanced ‘Item not received’ process

We have a few updates regarding the upgraded process for ‘Item not received’ reports, changes to our Protected Integrated Carrier list, and new requirements for on-time delivery and tracking.

Making it easier to apply accurate postage for your listings

We’re transforming our Postage Rate Table experience. We've refined regions, added more for major hubs and introduced international rate tables.

We’re streamlining our handbag authentication process

We’re launching a new experience when a discrepancy is detected between the authenticated item and its listing information.