Your eBay Store

Build your brand, increase visibility, and showcase your items in a way that works for you with eBay’s customisable Store tools.

Set up your Store

Create the ultimate window display

  1. Your banner image could be your brand’s hero image or something you change to reflect seasonal inventory.
  2. Add your company logo: This is the signature your buyers recognise.
  3. Tell your story in the about tab. On desktop, this will appear as an eye-catching preview under your billboard.
  4. Choose either eBay’s categories or create your own.

Build your brand

Tell your story through your eBay storefront. Sometimes it’s the story behind a business that makes the sale. By letting your buyers know the history, values, and passion that goes into your business, you can help them understand what makes your business unique and inspire them to buy from you.

Elevate your brand

Add your logo to build your brand and increase your visibility across eBay. Stores that use branding strategies see a 4% growth overall (eBay data, US, October 2021). Design a professional look using the image editing tools available when editing your Store and get noticed by more buyers.

Share what makes you unique with videos

You can now easily upload videos to your Store’s About tab directly from your Store edit page and they’ll appear after the first image in your gallery.

Store policies

Let buyers know your policies on shipping, returns, etc. The Store policies section makes it easy for shoppers to know what to expect, and helps you build trust and great relationships.

Banner images and logos should be a maximum of 12MB. For best results, banners should be 1200 x 270 px and logos should be 300 x 300 px. We suggest avoiding text in banner images as it may be cropped or hard to read on mobile devices.

  • Be creative, inspirational, and informative with your videos. Consider common questions, pain points, or reasons your buyers might hesitate.
  • Capture full 360-degree views of items you’re selling
  • Answer buyers’ most common questions or provide step-by-step instructions and installation guides
  • Inspire customers by showing how your items become part of—and improve—peoples’ lives and projects 
  • Build trust by giving buyers’ an inside look into the value of your product through refurbishment demonstrations, behind-the-scenes production footage, or unique ways you source and ensure quality materials
  • Video content must comply with eBay’s Images, Videos, and Text policy. Your video will go through a moderation process for approval, which can take up to 48 hours.

Showcase your inventory visually

Display your categories in a horizontal series of images. Selecting one image for each category so buyers can visually browse your categories, rather than use filters.

Display your inventory strategically

  • Create inventory strips to showcase your new or seasonal items. You can add items manually or automatically to draw buyers’ attention to your bestsellers, new inventory, or listings that are ending soon.
  • Pick which items you’d like buyers to see first by creating inventory strips by topic.
  • Merchandising strategies show that buyers are 25% more likely to view highlighted listings (eBay data, Global, April 2022).
  • You can select 6 items in up to 4 rows, with topics such as: Featured items, Just in, Most popular

Create custom categories

  • Create your own categories to suit your inventory instead of using eBay’s suggested categories.

Get more visibility for your Store

Getting your Store seen by buyers is important, here are some ways to get buyers to your store

Attract buyers to your Store with newsletters

Build your brand and encourage repeat buyers with easy-to-make, customisable newsletters.

Communicate your Store updates and send promotional offers to targeted buyer groups, such as buyers who’ve bought from you in the last 30 to 180 days.

Assess the effectiveness of your newsletters with our detailed reporting capabilities. See how many buyers opened and clicked on an item on your newsletter and the total sales you made 30 days after click.


Promote your products across social channels

Sellers who use social media and email to connect with their buyers attract repeat business and see a 38% increase in views to their Storefront*.


Social media is a great way to introduce your followers to new products or promotions, grow your brand, and attract new buyers. You can share your listings, Store and promotions to your social channels including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat directly from your eBay account.


*eBay data, Global, June 2022

Segment your customer base with buyer groups

How buyers can find your Store on eBay

Buyer groups let you send targeted newsletters or offers to specific groups of buyers. You can segment your buyers who meet certain parameters—for example, buyers who bought from you in the past month, the past year, from a specific category, or from all of your categories.

Buyer groups give you more control over who received your offers or marketing messages. You can use them to build loyalty and encourage repeat purchases, offer VIP buyers a special discount without lowering your items’ price, or promote your seasonal inventory to category-specific buyers.

  • If a buyer searches for your Store using the search bar, a link appears pointing them directly to your Storefront
  • Buyers can now see your Store name and branding on listing pages to easily find your storefront.
  • Listing pages have a new Store category module with up to 9 categories and a “See all” button for buyers to explore more
  • Your Store details and branding are now featured more prominently on your Seller Profile page and buyers can save your Store as a favorite
  • A redesigned category listing navigation has been added to your Storefront giving buyers an easy, at-a-glance way to explore your Store categories
  • Desktop users can see a new seller module allowing buyers to view your Store’s logo, name, and popular categories when viewing one of your listings

Display a marketing banner within your Store

Pick an item or category you’d like to feature as an eye-catching, clickable banner within your Store. You can choose whether the banner will take buyers to a category in your Store or a specific listing.

Get started

Start using these Store features to help you elevate your brand and grow your business.

Where do I start?

If you haven’t finished customizing your Storefront here’s what you should try: 

  • Upload a logo and banner that reflects your unique brand making it easier for buyers to find your Store and can increase your visibility on eBay
  • Send newsletters to your buyer groups using our customisable templates
  • Use the reporting capabilities to see how many buyers are responding to your newsletter’s inventory and promotions
  • Share your listings on social media to get your brand noticed by more buyers

Stores FAQs

No, adding videos is not a requirement. This new video feature is designed to help your business grow and thrive, however you won’t be required to upload videos in order to create new listings.

Setting up a newsletter is easy with the templates available to you. Check out how to design your newsletter and more helpful tips.

Use the metrics available to see which inventory is getting the least views and modify the content on your newsletter. You can add a promotion, such as a coded coupon, or create buyer groups based on your buyers previous purchases to gain interest in new inventory. 

Yes, but you’d only want to do that if conversion isn’t good. You can find out more about setting up features listing and categories on the Help page.

Creating buyer groups takes a few minutes with easy-to-follow instructions on Seller Hub. Get started with buyer groups here.