Feedback and seller ratings

How the eBay Feedback system works

After every transaction, buyers and sellers can rate each other by leaving Feedback. You can find your Feedback score next to your username whenever it’s displayed on the site. Buyers can rate a transaction with you as positive, neutral or negative. Sellers can rate buyer transactions as positive. Both buyers and sellers can leave a short comment describing their experience.

You can also reply to Feedback you’ve received or add a comment to Feedback you’ve left for someone else. You can also send buyers a request to revise the Feedback they left.

Leaving feedback for Buyers

Comments are permanent and you can only leave Feedback once per transaction, so make sure your Feedback is accurate and fair. You can leave Feedback for several items at once, or provide individual Feedback on each item you sell.

Detailed seller ratings

For additional insight into your performance, buyers can also view and leave detailed seller ratings. These ratings break down a buyer’s feedback on your performance across the following areas:

  • Item description — How accurately was the item described?

  • Communication — Did you communicate well with your buyer?

  • Postage time — How quickly did you post the item?

  • Postage and handling charges — Were the costs reasonable?

You can view your detailed seller ratings on the Feedback forum by entering your username. Five stars is the highest possible rating.

Feedback Rules

To continue building a great place to buy and sell, all Feedback should accurately reflect the experience of buyers and sellers on eBay. While honest Feedback is encouraged, there are some things we don’t allow, including:

We only remove Feedback in specific circumstances. For full details, read our Seller performance and defect removal policy.