Optimising Your Listings

In addition to creating listings with titles, descriptions and high quality photos, there are a number of ways to optimise your listings to help buyers find your items on and off eBay and increase your listing sales conversion.

The quality of your listings

Download your eBay Listing Quality Report to find out how to improve your existing listings. Learn what you can do to increase views, impressions and sales.

Item Specifics

Item Specifics tell buyers what you’re selling and are crucial to your search visibility and sales. The more data you give us about your listings, the better we can match you with buyers in search.

Promoted Listings

Promoted Listings help your items stand out among millions of listings on eBay. By setting an ad rate and boosting your listings to prime placements, you can reach more of the right buyers at the right time.

eBay Research Tool

Product Research analyses millions of listings across eBay's global marketplaces and presents insights in a clear and easy to navigate way. Insights include sales data, listing formats, the average sold item pricing, shipping costs and buyer search terms. 

The Product Research Tool can be found in the Research Tab in Seller Hub and is free for all sellers.

Product Reviews and the eBay Catalogue

The eBay Catalogue

When you create listings, we suggest products from our catalogue, based on the keywords you include in your title or Item Specifics. If you select to list an item in the catalogue, we automatically add the correct product identifiers and item specifics, as well as one or more product photos. 

Product Reviews

We host product reviews on eBay, so buyers can complete their entire shopping journey with us - from research through to purchase. Based on the information you provide, such as Item Specifics, we can match your listings to reviews for that item. The more information we have, the better we can connect you with the right buyers.

We have 2 types of product reviews:

  • Verified Reviews: Left by buyers we know have purchased the item on eBay

  • Unverified Reviews: Left by customers who have purchased an item elsewhere 

You’ll see a star rating at the top of each listing matched to a product review, which is an average of all scores submitted for both types of reviews. Buyers can explore further for more detail.

Listing Upgrades

We offer a number of advanced listing upgrades when you’re ready to take your business to the next level. These upgrades include:

  1. Subtitles: Make your listings stand out by adding a line of additional text beneath your title. We’ll display your subtitle both in search results and on the listing itself.
  2. Gallery Plus: We’ll enlarge your thumbnail image in search when a buyer moves their mouse over it and in your listings.

  3. Best Offer: You can add Best Offer to fixed price or auction-style listings, to invite buyers to negotiate.

  4. Auction and Buy It Now: Gives buyers the option to purchase before your auction-style listing ends, for a set price. 

  5. Scheduled Listings: Create listings now and choose a future time to go live. 

  6. Reserve Price: Set a reserve price and sell with the peace of mind that your item won’t be sold for less than the amount you’re willing to sell it for.

  7. List in 2 Categories: Put your item in front of more buyers by listing in 2 relevant categories.

SEO and Google Shopping

Although search engines don’t tend to disclose exactly how they rank results, there are a few simple measures you can take to make your listings more search engine-friendly:

  • Pick 2 or 3 keywords that relate closely to your item and include them in your title and description. Use Google Trends to see how much search volume each keyword gets
  • Use bold subheadings to group information in your item description and set your font size to between 12 and 14
  • Always add product identifiers and Item Specifics to your listings

Vehicle Parts Compatibility

Our Vehicle Parts & Accessories catalogue is a comprehensive central repository of 1.2-million Vehicle Parts & Accessories products.  By entering a brand and MPN or GTIN (UPC, ISBN, EAN), you can quickly link your new or existing listings to our catalogue.

Mobile Optimisation

More than half of the transactions on ebay.com.au have a mobile touchpoint. To optimise your listings for mobile:

  • Include the correct Item Specifics, so we can make sure important information about the listing appears where it should on mobile devices
  • Use our listing fields for postage, payment and returns information so we can share this with buyers browsing on the go
  • Keep the formatting simple in item descriptions. Use black font, size 12-14, on a white background for readability. Use bold headings and bullet points for easy scanning
  • Don’t use active content such as JavaScript, Flash and form actions

Mobile Optimisation

More than half of the transactions on ebay.com.au have a mobile touchpoint. To optimise your listings for mobile:

  • Include the correct Item Specifics, so we can make sure important information about the listing appears where it should on mobile devices
  • Use our listing fields for postage, payment and returns information so we can share this with buyers browsing on the go
  • Keep the formatting simple in item descriptions. Use black font, size 12-14, on a white background for readability. Use bold headings and bullet points for easy scanning
  • Don’t use active content such as JavaScript, Flash and form actions