2 min article

A–Z index of policies

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P–Q | R | S | T | U | V | W–Z


Accepted payment methods - opens in new window or tab

Adult items

Age requirements for eBay members - opens in new window or tab

Airbags - opens in new window or tab


Airsoft, air rifle - opens in new window or tab

Alcohol - opens in new window or tab

Ammunition - opens in new window or tab


Art - opens in new window or tab

Artefacts - opens in new window or tab

Australian cultural heritage, aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander items


Automatic weapons - opens in new window or tab

Automobiles - opens in new window or tab


Barter and trades - opens in new window or tab

Batteries - opens in new window or tab

BB Guns - opens in new window or tab

Beer - opens in new window or tab

Beta software - opens in new window or tab

Bicycle helmets - opens in new window or tab


Birds - opens in new window or tab

Birth certificates - opens in new window or tab

Body parts - opens in new window or tab

Bonuses and prizes - opens in new window or tab

Brand names

Bullion - opens in new window or tab

Bundled software - opens in new window or tab

Burial-related items - opens in new window or tab



Cancelling bids - opens in new window or tab

Cancelling orders - opens in new window or tab

Car seats - opens in new window or tab


Cash payments - opens in new window or tab

Catalogue sales - opens in new window or tab


Cave formations - opens in new window or tab

CB amplifiers - opens in new window or tab

Certificates of authenticity (COAs) - opens in new window or tab

Chance listings - opens in new window or tab

Charity or fundraising listings - opens in new window or tab

Cheques, as a payment method - opens in new window or tab

Circumventing fees - opens in new window or tab

Clothing, used - opens in new window or tab

COAs (Certificates of authenticity) - opens in new window or tab

Coins - opens in new window or tab

Collectable containers, alcohol-related - opens in new window or tab

Collectable currency - opens in new window or tab

Community content - opens in new window or tab

Comparative pricing - opens in new window or tab

Compilations of information - opens in new window or tab

Concert tickets - opens in new window or tab

Condition of returned items - opens in new window or tab

Contact information

Contracts - opens in new window or tab

Cookies and web beacons - opens in new window or tab

Copies, unauthorised - opens in new window or tab


Cosmetics - opens in new window or tab


Coupons - opens in new window or tab

Cots - opens in new window or tab

Credit cards

Credits for third-party solutions - opens in new window or tab

Crocodile/caiman - opens in new window or tab

Cruises - opens in new window or tab

Cubic zirconium - opens in new window or tab

Cultural heritage - opens in new window or tab



Dating services - opens in new window or tab

Debit cards, sale of - opens in new window or tab

Defect removal - opens in new window or tab

Description theft - opens in new window or tab

Detailed seller ratings (DSRs) - opens in new window or tab

Diamonds - opens in new window or tab

Digitally delivered goods - opens in new window or tab

Disaster and tragedy - opens in new window or tab


Downloadable media - opens in new window or tab

Driver's licences - opens in new window or tab

Drop shipping - opens in new window or tab


Duplicate listings - opens in new window or tab



E-cigarettes - opens in new window or tab

Electronic vouchers - opens in new window or tab

Electronically delivered items - opens in new window or tab

Electronic equipment - opens in new window or tab


Embargoed goods and prohibited countries - opens in new window or tab

Emissions control defeat devices - opens in new window or tab

Event tickets - opens in new window or tab

Explosives - opens in new window or tab


Faces, names, and signatures - opens in new window or tab

Fair use - opens in new window or tab

Fake IDs - opens in new window or tab

False or missing contact information - opens in new window or tab

False reports of policy violations - opens in new window or tab

Fee circumvention or avoidance - opens in new window or tab

Fee credits, false claims for - opens in new window or tab


Fertiliser and pesticides - opens in new window or tab

Firearms and accessories - opens in new window or tab

Fireworks - opens in new window or tab

Fish - opens in new window or tab

Food - opens in new window or tab


Fundraising listings - opens in new window or tab

Funeral items - opens in new window or tab


Gems - opens in new window or tab

Gift cards - opens in new window or tab

Giveaways, raffles, and prizes - opens in new window or tab



Grave-related items - opens in new window or tab

Grenades - opens in new window or tab

Guides and reviews - opens in new window or tab



Hazardous, restricted or regulated materials - opens in new window or tab

Healthcare products - opens in new window or tab

Holidays - opens in new window or tab

Hotels and resorts - opens in new window or tab

Hoverboards and self balancing scooters - opens in new window or tab

HTML in listings - opens in new window or tab

Human body parts and remains - opens in new window or tab



Illegal activity, encouraging - opens in new window or tab

Illegal explicit content - opens in new window or tab

Image theft - opens in new window or tab


Inactive listings - opens in new window or tab

Information sales - opens in new window or tab

Intangible items - opens in new window or tab

Intellectual property

International selling - opens in new window or tab

International trading - opens in new window or tab

Invalid bid retraction - opens in new window or tab

Invalid contact information - opens in new window or tab

Invalid email addresses - opens in new window or tab

Item description - opens in new window or tab

Item misrepresentation

Item not received - opens in new window or tab

Items purchased outside of eBay (fraud) - opens in new window or tab

Ivory - opens in new window or tab


JavaScript in listings - opens in new window or tab

Jewellery - opens in new window or tab


Keyword spamming - opens in new window or tab

Knives - opens in new window or tab


Law enforcement, reporting fraud - opens in new window or tab

Legal agreements with third parties - opens in new window or tab

Letters of authenticity (LOAs) - opens in new window or tab

Licence plates - opens in new window or tab

Limits on eBay sellers - opens in new window or tab



LOAs (Letters of authenticity) - opens in new window or tab

Lockpicking devices - opens in new window or tab

Lodging and holiday packages - opens in new window or tab

Logo, guidelines for using eBay intellectual property - opens in new window or tab

Lottery tickets and game pieces - opens in new window or tab


Mailing lists and personal information - opens in new window or tab

Makeup, used - opens in new window or tab

Matrix programs - opens in new window or tab

Mature audiences - opens in new window or tab

Medical devices and equipment - opens in new window or tab



Military items - opens in new window or tab

Minors, protecting - opens in new window or tab


Mobile devices - opens in new window or tab

Money orders, as payment method - opens in new window or tab

Mortgage notes - opens in new window or tab


Multi-level marketing, pyramid and matrix programs - opens in new window or tab

Multiple accounts - opens in new window or tab

Multiple-quantity listing fee avoidance - opens in new window or tab


Narcotics - opens in new window or tab

Naturopathy - opens in new window or tab

Names, faces and signatures - opens in new window or tab

Nazi items - opens in new window or tab

No item listings - opens in new window or tab

Non-binding bids - opens in new window or tab

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) - opens in new window or tab

Non-paying buyer

Non-profit listings - opens in new window or tab

Number plates - opens in new window or tab


Odometer modification devices - opens in new window or tab

OEM software - opens in new window or tab

Offensive email - opens in new window or tab

Offensive language - opens in new window or tab

Offensive materials - opens in new window or tab

Offers to buy or sell outside of eBay - opens in new window or tab

Order cancellation - opens in new window or tab

Outages on the eBay site - opens in new window or tab


Paintings - opens in new window or tab

Passports and government documents - opens in new window or tab

Patent notices, eBay - opens in new window or tab

Payment dispute seller protections - opens in new window or tab


Pearls - opens in new window or tab

Personal information and mailing lists - opens in new window or tab

Personal relationships and services - opens in new window or tab

Philatelia (stamps) - opens in new window or tab


Pill presses, dies and moulds - opens in new window or tab

Plants - opens in new window or tab

Plastic products, single-use - opens in new window or tab

Playboy - opens in new window or tab

Plays, ticket sales - opens in new window or tab

Police-related items - opens in new window or tab

Ponzi schemes - opens in new window or tab

Postage - opens in new window or tab

Presale listings - opens in new window or tab

Prescription and over-the-counter medicines - opens in new window or tab

Prescription devices - opens in new window or tab

Price gouging - opens in new window or tab


Prizes - opens in new window or tab

Product safety - opens in new window or tab

Products with eligibility requirements - opens in new window or tab

Profanity, use of on eBay - opens in new window or tab

Profile - opens in new window or tab

Prohibited and restricted items - opens in new window or tab

Prohibited countries, trading restrictions - opens in new window or tab

Property - opens in new window or tab


Public figures - opens in new window or tab

Publishing contact information - opens in new window or tab

Pyramid schemes - opens in new window or tab


Radar detectors and jamming devices - opens in new window or tab

Radioactive items - opens in new window or tab

Raffles - opens in new window or tab

Recalled items - opens in new window or tab

Refrigerants - opens in new window or tab

Refusal to sell - opens in new window or tab

Remains, human - opens in new window or tab

Removing serial numbers - opens in new window or tab



Retracting a bid - opens in new window or tab


Reviews and guides - opens in new window or tab

Rules for buyers overview - opens in new window or tab

Rules for sellers overview - opens in new window or tab


Satellite descramblers - opens in new window or tab

Scanned vouchers - opens in new window or tab

Scanners and communication equipment - opens in new window or tab

Search and browse manipulation - opens in new window or tab

Seeds - opens in new window or tab


Selling limits - opens in new window or tab

Services, prohibited or restricted - opens in new window or tab

Sexually explicit materials - opens in new window or tab

Shill bidding - opens in new window or tab

Shipping - opens in new window or tab

Shipping-related items - opens in new window or tab

Signature confirmation - opens in new window or tab

Signatures - opens in new window or tab

Signposts, no item listings - opens in new window or tab

Single-use plastic products - opens in new window or tab

Site interference - opens in new window or tab

Site outage - opens in new window or tab

Slot machines - opens in new window or tab

Snails - opens in new window or tab

Social media and reviews manipulation - opens in new window or tab

Social security numbers and personal information - opens in new window or tab


Spam - opens in new window or tab

Sporting event tickets - opens in new window or tab

Sports supplements - opens in new window or tab

Stamps - opens in new window or tab

Steroids - opens in new window or tab

Stocks and securities - opens in new window or tab

Stolen property - opens in new window or tab

Stun guns - opens in new window or tab

Surveillance equipment - opens in new window or tab


Tax - opens in new window or tab

Terms and conditions

Test listings - opens in new window or tab

Third party

Threats of bodily harm - opens in new window or tab

Ticket sales - opens in new window or tab

Titles, misleading - opens in new window or tab

Tobacco - opens in new window or tab

Trademarks - opens in new window or tab

Trades - opens in new window or tab

Trading cards - opens in new window or tab

Traffic signal changers - opens in new window or tab

Train travel - opens in new window or tab


Travel and holidays - opens in new window or tab


Unauthorised copies - opens in new window or tab

Unauthorised recordings - opens in new window or tab

Underage users - opens in new window or tab


Unpaid items

Unsolicited email (spam) - opens in new window or tab

Unsolicited ideas - opens in new window or tab

Used items

User Agreement - opens in new window or tab

User Privacy Notice - opens in new window or tab


Usernames - opens in new window or tab

Using multiple accounts (policy) - opens in new window or tab



Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) policy - opens in new window or tab

Video games, unauthorised copies of - opens in new window or tab

Violence and violent criminals - opens in new window or tab

Virtual currency - opens in new window or tab

Vulgar language - opens in new window or tab


Warranty, sold with an item - opens in new window or tab


Weeds - opens in new window or tab

Western Union, as payment method - opens in new window or tab

Wildlife products - opens in new window or tab

Wine - opens in new window or tab

Wire transfers, as payment method - opens in new window or tab

Wiretaps and electronic surveillance equipment - opens in new window or tab

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