4.84.8 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics98% agree

Compelling gameplay97% agree

Good value96% agree

971 reviews


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

There are three acts, and there are three to four chapters in each act. You will get about 6-7 hours of game play in Modern Warfare 2. You play as two characters, a guy named Roach and Call of Duty 4’s main character Soap. When you’re playing as Roach he seems to get hurt in some overly exaggerative way when every chapter ends and it makes me wonder how he’s still alive. After a while, it begins to get too predictable and boring although the ending does some what make up for it. The single player is a bit disappointing considering how epic Call of Duty 4 story was. However, the single player campaign is still worth a play through.

The game play of Modern Warfare 2 is more of the same but just modified a bit. The control set up is the same as COD 4, so you will feel right at home with Modern Warfare 2. The enemy A.I is smart even on an easy difficulty setting. Your enemies will take cover, shoot, call for back up, and react as a real person would. One thing that is different from the last installment is that when you get shot at, you will see some kind of blood mixed with water come on your screen indicating that you have gotten shot. As the previous games, the more red the screen gets, the closer you are from dying. Modern Warfare 2 also has dual wielding weapons. There’s a new mode in Modern Warfare 2 called Special Ops. There are five different Spec Ops modes. You start off with Alpha’s Spec Ops and you will need four stars from Alpha to move on to Bravo and so forward. The good thing about Spec Ops is that you can do it split screen, two player co-op or solo. There are also about four to five chapters in each Spec Ops mode.

There are sixteen brand new maps to play. There are now five new modes online. There is Capture the Flag, 3rd Person Teams, Hardcore Ricochet SD and 3rd person Cage matches. Despite the fact that in 3rd person mode, the zoom in of the gun is practically broken, you should still give it a try.

You now have titles and emblems that you can unlock depending on your performance and ranking online. Another new feature in Modern Warfare 2 is one called Accolades, it basically keeps track of what you do online and gives you rewards for certain things you do. For instance, it gave me a reward called unstoppable, which means I had the longest kill streak in an online match. One thing they did to the perk system in Modern Warfare 2 is that they cleared it up and only added what was necessary. So this time around there isn’t four or five good perks and eight unnecessary perks in the menu. Also, perks have a level up system, so when you use that perk enough it will level up and enhance the perk. They also took out Martyrdom and Juggernaut from regular perks and added a new perk called Death Streak. Death streak is activated when you die three-four times in a row. You have four death streak modes to choose from, they have Copy Cat, Painkiller (Juggernaut), Final Stand and Martyrdom. There are also a decent amount of customizable kill streak’s rewards which goes as following:

* 3 Kills – UAV
* 4 Kills – Care Package
* 4 Kills – Counter UAV
* 5 Kills – Sentry Gun
* 5 Kills – Predator Missile
* 6 Kills – Precision Air strike
* 7 Kills – Strike
* 7 Kills – Attack Helicopter
* 8 Kills – Emergency Airdrop
* 9 Kills – Pave Low
* 9 Kills – Stealth Bomber
* 11 Kills – Chopper Gunner
* 11 Kills – AC-130
* 15 Kills – EMP
* 25 Kills – Tactical Nuke
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Near Perfect

This a great sequel. The single player mode gives you just what you should expect from a game like this. It gives you a new story, new players, new locations & new weapons. The story has characters from modern warfare 1 but this game takes place a few years after. In modern warfare 2 you fight in some of the most unexpected locations such as a Brazilian slum, Washington Dc, and a residential neighborhood in Virginia. while some complain this would be impossible in real life (which it is not) i think Infinity Ward went for the more fun instead of serious approach and for me i loved it.

Now for the main reason most people buy the game....The Online
They have added a new mode similar to call of duty 5's co-op called spec ops. in these 23 missions you play through some extra maps from single player, and even maps from modern warfare 1's story mode. These spec op missions can be played with a friend at home, a friend on the internet, or selected missions can be played alone, but with no more than 2 people. The online system still consists of free-for-all's death matches and other favorites from modern warfare 1 but they have also added a few more modes and changed cage match to third person cage match in which you now see your entire player. The rank system has been increased to 70 but you earn more points and earn them much faster now.

Now about the kill-streaks. They still have all kill streaks from modern warfare 1 which were UAV, Harrier @k@ Air strike, and helicopter, but now they have added many extras to unlock and have also added modified versions of the original kill-streaks while still keeping the unmodified ones as well. For example, the air strike can be done as in modern warfare 1 with 3 harriers dropping bombs on a targeted area or you can have 2 harriers drop bombs on the area while the 3rd hovers over the map and kill anyone in its view. (much like the chopper) The chopper has also been modified so that you can control the gun with assisted lock-on and shoot the players on the map yourself. they have also added an AC130 from modern warfare 1 ("don't shoot the church" mission) which gives you 3 different guns to use to kill players from the sky and it will automatically deploy flares when shot at with a locked on missile. which brings me to mention that you can select to have 1 of 5 different rocket launchers (1 of them being the javelin) (UAV's can also be shot down.) On top of this they have added things like trowing knives, sentry guns, care packages which give you either more ammo or most of the time a random kill-streak (whether you have unlocked it or not) and at a whopping 25 kills in a row, you get and nuclear bomb drop, which kills everyone on the map and ends the game with you as the winner. The only thing they didn't add in this game was motor vehicles and your ability to drive or fly all vehicles. Aside from that, there is only 1 problem and that is the glitches, in which map skip votes aren't counted, you and your party member(s) may be placed in 2 different rooms, teams are unbalanced, and even though they implemented the change host feature the game usually still shuts down after a minuet anyway. There are a few more but all in all for what I heard & was expecting this is one of the 1st games that lived up to the hype for me. They have added almost everything possible in this game except tanks, Humvee, and the ability to fly the planes (as i already stated) What more could you want?
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Worth 20 bucks

As one of the most critically acclaimed shooters of all time, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a prime example of a tough act to follow. Yet, amidst a raging storm of anticipation and expectation, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has done it. The new campaign is chock-full of intense action and dramatic moments, and though it is more muddled than its predecessor (in more ways than one), it's still an absolute blast. The new Special Ops mode allows you to experience some campaign-inspired thrills with a friend and it's an engaging challenge to coordinate your maneuvers and tackle the varied objectives. Last but not least, the competitive multiplayer that took the online shooter community by storm two years ago is back and better than ever. Though the addictive action remains the same at its core, there are a host of new elements that make it more accessible, more strategic, and more rewarding. This all adds up to a thoroughly excellent package that is sure to thrill shooter fans and deprive them of sleep for months to come.Read full review...


My View

I bought this game a while back around the time when it first came out because I thought It would be a really good game just like its predecessor Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was. I beat it on Veteran, played co-op, arcade mode, etc. Online playing people on the internet was what I was really into doing because otherwise you just beat the game and sell it because playing the game over and over again gets boring.

Pros: Fun campaign, new arcade mode, co-op amazing, and multiplayer has new features like host migration etc.

Cons: The only major cons are all for multiplayer, not really any for single player, co-op, etc. For Multiplayer- Hackers have messed up the leader boards so any of you guys that want to get up to the top on the leader boards can't do it because of the hackers. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and Modern Warfare 2 have serious problems with "hackers", and "glitchers". Sooner or later you will run into them, the glitchers will exploit in game mechanics to get in a spot you can't get to thus having an advantage. Hackers are pretty rare, if you ever see them they're usually getting all the kills. They'll fly around or spawn right in front of you on Search and Destroy ( a game mode which only gives you 1 life per round ). If you are a hardcore'll hate a lot of things about multiplayer. Online players will put on a ability, they call them "perks" which allows them to do certain things other people can't do unless they have that specific "perk" which you can choose once you've gained it. Anyway, One man army "perk" aka OMA has ruined the online gameplay. One man army allows anyone to sit in one spot and have unlimited ammo for guns, explosives, equipment, and other things. So people will "camp" or sit in one spot with grenade launchers, or "noob tubes". They will get enough kills, and get a "Killstreak" basically you can call in stuff. Like Helicopters, Radar, etc. So people will camp just to get those killstreaks. Most of the killstreak are overpowered or not at the right amount of kills. At 25 kills from noob tubing or camping. That player can use the "Nuke" killstreak which kills everyone, and ENDS that game. They can also call in other annoying kill streaks that are for killing you. Knifing has become "Unrealistic" by far, because of the "Commando" perk, and the tactical knife. You can knife somebody from super far away like this, |=person =knife. | ............|. The person on the right could die in like a second. This goes for Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare, whenever you leave a game, and you go back to the same game mode. Usually or more often then not you will be put back into that same game you just left. Yeah you can't choose what game you go into like you can on the computer for Ps3, xbox360, etc. "BOOSTERS" are friends usually that get to together go to "Free for All" game mode or others. Go on opposite teams ( so they can kill each other ) they get the "Tactical Insertion" equipment which makes it so when they die they "respawn", or are born again because there's more then one life, where the tactical insertion is. So boosters hide in a spot somewhere, and do that to get killstreaks. Then ruin the game with them. There's TONS OF THEM...Also sometimes the matchfinder that gets you into games will get you into a game that's already finished. The Map packs that are offered cost ALOT like 15$ each. Mw2 has a lot of good things about it, but too many bad to play online a lot.

Call of duty 4 Mw2
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Buy the game, not the hype.

Ratings at a glance--Graphics-98/Sound-78/Controls-77/Blast Force-86/Overall-85

First I'll start by saying that in the 17 years I've been playing video games, I haven't seen one quite like this. The graphics are incredible, with little details here, there, and everywhere. Sweating the details is a job well done in my book, but unfortunately this is where the positives end. The sound is uninspiring, controls are loose and inaccurate, and the online multiplayer is suspect. Instead of the entertaining "our UAV is online," you'll often here some inaudible quip designed to further promote the series' covert military theme. Campaign is pathetic, and even hardcore gamers may be appalled by the "controversial content." I wouldn't blame anyone who opts-out right off the bat during the initial boot-up process. I personally would prefer NOT to play as a terrorist; unless, of course, if it's Heath Ledger's Joker. :} The glitches and hacks really drag the game down online, but it's true, this game is addictive as hell. In the end, Modern Warfare 2 joins a long list of games that make the grade because of the license, not because of the content, and plastering the Wolfenstein engine onto this one doesn't help, either. Many people may inevitably find this game to be a fad...if they even ever cared to begin with.Read full review...


Lived up to the hype

If you've never played Modern Warfare 2 you may be wondering what all the hype is about, and now is a good time to find out since the game is nearly two years old, but not to outdated yet.

Aside from having to push in R3 to run, The biggest plus with this game for me is the controls and the game play. The controls and game play are silky smooth is also pretty varied, probably the most varied game play to be found in a military shooter. The graphics are technically, not this gen as it;s native resolution is 480p, but it's up-scaled to look like a this gen game in HD, the visuals are great and I was impressed by the anti-aliasing (Which reduces jagged edges in the game and gives it a smooth appearance.)

One the downsides for me is the length of the campaign. I'm more of a single player gamer, and I feel that the bulk of any game should be single player, but in this game is feels like only half of the game. The multi-player is great, but it can be unbalanced and frustrating to someone new to the series. That said, it's still pretty fun and addictive and it definitely adds a lot to the game overall.

The story, I thought was pretty good, there's at least two huge twists and is packed with action. The ending is pretty epic, but leaves a cliffhanger, but this is all the more reason to check out MW3 later this year.
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Great Game...but I'm somewhat disappointed...

Well, I bought the game the same day it came out. Overall, the game is another success from Infinity Ward. However, the graphics although clear and detailed, sre not as good as COD 5 World At War. Having played the previous title for over a year, I got used to the detailed graphics. COD Modern Warfare 2, seems a bit "cartoonish", but again I am not saying that the graphics are bad. They just don't live up to the previous title World at War. Another point I would like to make is that the game is very "busy" What I mean by that is that there are so many different ways to customize your weapons, different titles and emblems, and during game play there is alot going on. From the sentry guns, predator drones and missle strikes, to the fast paced gameplay environment, it is difficult to play somewhat strategically. Seems like everyone is just running into each other, especially on some of the smaller maps. I still anjoy playing, but World At War is still my favorite out of all the titles, including the newest Modern Warfare 2. Hope that next years title will live up to my expectations, especially on the visuals and graphics side.Read full review...


Modern Warfare 2

Modern Warfare 2 continues the gripping and heart-racing action as players face off against a new threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse. An entirely new gameplay mode which supports 2-player co-operative play online that is unique from the single player story campaign. Special Ops pits players into a gauntlet of time-trial and objective-based missions. Rank-up as players unlock new Special Ops missions, each more difficult. Missions include highlights from the single player campaign, fan favorites from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and all new, exclusive missions. Setting a new bar for online multiplayer, Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer delivers new capabilities, customization, gamestates and modes, including: Create-a-Class Evolved. Secondary Weapons - Machine Pistols, Shotguns, Handguns, Launchers. Riot Shields. Equipment - Throwing Knives, Blast Shield, Tactical Insertion. Perk Upgrades. Bling (Dual Attachments). Customizable Killstreaks - AC130, Sentry Gun, Predator Missile, Counter-UAV, Care Package. Accolades (Post match reports). [Activision]Read full review...


Modern Warfare 2

I really like Modern Warfare 2. Mainly the multiplayer aspects of it. The single player is too short (beat it in about 7 hours) and the story is dumb.

SPOILER. Sheppard isn't what you think he is..

anyway, I like the fact that you can level up your offline character as well. It doesn't cross over to the online, but it's still cool that you can get xp offline.

The multiplayer online is cool. The weapons and perks are more in depth, the maps are okay. My personal thought was that the maps from MW 1 were better. I think a lot of people agree with me as Infinity Ward has released some maps from MW1 as an add-on for MW2. (I love "Overgrown)

It's a good game, it's a more refined version of MW1. If you like the first, this one builds on it. Bad story-line though...
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A great game for the Age Appropriate.

This is one of the most realistic first person shooter games on the market. This Game would have rated a 5 star excellent rating if it didn't have a mission where you were undercover in a Moscow Airport killing innocent people and then cops. I do like that there is an option and the warning to skip this level. For parents of kids: THIS GAME IS NOT APPROPRIATE for your little ones.
I personally love the levels where you are fighting in suburban America. This seems to be the new trend in video shooter games.

To the Graphic designers, This is a visual feast. They should be incredibly proud of their work.

I personally am a fan or first person shooter and the control and ease of gameplay makes this game so much fun to play.

I like First person WWII shooter games best.
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