4.74.7 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics97% agree

Compelling gameplay96% agree

Good value100% agree

65 reviews


Great game for Wii

This game is like call of duty black ops and call of duty modern warfare reflex. Modern Warfare 3 combine them 2 into this game. The campaign is kind of hard beacuse you have no map to help with and you have to follow your team mate in the whole game. You can ride choppers, tanks, drones, many more. The best part is use predator rockets. You cant use it in multiplayer. The multiplayer is awesome. Their are alot more killstreak than black ops. And the weapons has more than black ops. If you like the balistic knife in black ops. In Modern warfare 3 dosent have the balistic knife. The weapons combine the game of black ops, modern warfare reflex, and some of conduit 1 and conduit 2. Finally the special ops or the survival mode. Its like zombies in black ops but more maps. You can only play with 2 players, which I think should be 4. It would be much better. To get powerful weapons in survival mode you have to level up and play it for a lot of time. Each time you level up you get a brand new map to play.Read full review...



I missed out on this generation of consoles, so I am catching up now. Playing this on wii with a classic pro controller with hdmi converter is great! The game looks fantastic, the controls are great, its really fun! I would recommend this to any one who is trying to find a footing into what games or platform for there liking.Read full review...

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: new | Sold by: videogameadvantage


Good game, if you're not a serious gamer.

The game continues the saga from Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). It has new maps and they have reprogrammed (fixed or extreme in the other direction) some of the bugs in MW2.

Noob tubing is much more difficult and explosives have been reduced so much that they almost have no affect unless the character is right on top of it.
Camping/hiding has been reduced to almost none. So you have to be on your toes if you're sniping.
The ability to climb on obstacles has been really decreased also. So what was possible in MW2 may not exist in MW3.
They have moved one map from MW2 to MW3 (Terminal), which has always been a fun map to play online.
Online has provided a more ways to play, Infected (think tag you're it), gun game, one in the chamber, etc.

I bought the game to play with family and friends online. However, it is difficult to configure the wii so that I can play on it, but not let my kids have access to the internet (still working it out).

I play this game on the Microsoft Xbox as well. This purchase was also to compare between the two platforms. Playing the "Campaign" it was noticeable that the wii game had to load more frequently. Also, I have the wii, not wii U, so playing in 480 pixels on an HD tv is a bit grainy. I assume that with the wii U, this is resolved.
Also, online gaming is free, which is a huge plus if you want to play with others. Xbox requires a purchase of "Xbox Live" to play online.
Private party games, meaning that only friends you have in a party, can play the online games and can compete against each other.

Overall, still enjoyable. But if you are into serious gaming, I would suggest sticking to Xbox or PS3.
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if you are thinking....should I...? the answer is it...

I dont usually play first person games as it is hard for me to gete used to the perspective. This one is no different in that respect but as for the graphics and the game play...WOW. and for the WII too...that was a surprise. I have only had the game for a couple days but am amazed at the quality and overall game play as I am usually the over the shoulder, watch the game and gamer in action, take note of the graphics type. Now...all I need to do now is learn how to play the controller from first person..... I like the game.

Controller is easy enough to figure out, most of it I had done before even looking at the directions....something most males dont tend to do anyways.... hope this may help someone...even a little bit. The game is definately worth checking out
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Una jugabilidad frenética y espectacular

Es aquí donde nos sitúa Modern Warfare 3, en una guerra mundial que nos llevará por algunos de los países más poderosos de nuestro planeta sumidos en un caos bélico absoluto, viendo cómo se desmoronan los grandes símbolos que todos reconocemos fácilmente. Para aquellos jugadores que solo disponen de una Wii para jugar, existirá un lapso enorme entre Modern Warfare Reflex Edition y este Modern Warfare 3. Es una gran pena que la segunda entrega no se publicase en la plataforma blanca de Nintendo, por que los resultados del equipo de Treyarch han sido excelentes en los últimos juegos desarrollados para Wii. ¿Se mantiene ese resultado con este Modern Warfare 3?
Si por algo la serie Call of Duty se diferencia del resto de juegos del género, es por su particular estilo de juego, totalmente guiado y donde el usuario participa en los hechos activa y pasivamente, viéndose constantemente acompañado de un equipo de soldados con el mismo objetivo que nosotros. El diálogo es constante y nos indica en todo momento cuáles son nuestros deberes en esta historia. Si intentamos salirnos de ese guion nos veremos pronto eliminados aunque sea sin saber de dónde han venido las balas, lo que hace que sea una experiencia donde apenas hay libertad, pero que no impide que el juego sea tremendamente divertido y espectacular si nos ceñimos a lo que nos propone. De hecho, es este guion que nos lleva de la mano lo que hace que sea un espectáculo en todo momento, y sobre todo que muchos de los usuarios que tienen menos tiempo para dedicarle a los juegos disfruten como enanos de una experiencia peliculera y frenética. Esta premisa se mantiene en la tercera entrega de Modern Warfare, tomando como punto de partida las acciones requeridas para detener el avance del ejército ruso en Manhattan. Nos veremos pronto en el interior de algunos edificios emblemáticos completamente destruidos con el único objetivo de destruir las comunicaciones y así poder frenar un destructor ataque.
Algo que no nos cansaremos de alabar en los Call of Duty para Wii es el sensacional trabajo del equipo de adaptación de Treyarch, que pese a que no son los artífices del juego original (Sledgehammer Games e Infinity Ward lo son) han conseguido trasladar prácticamente todo el contenido de la versión grande en la "pequeña" Wii. Como comentábamos, solo algunos pequeños recortes que si no hemos visto en la versión original, no echaremos en falta. Pero la sensación de juego sin duda es idéntica, recreando escenas repletas de explosiones y destrucción, realmente difícil de creer que lo esté moviendo una Wii, y es que quitando el número de polígonos en pantalla y las texturas, solo se echa de menos algo más de ambiente en número de gente y vehículos, pero que para nada merma la sensación de guerra que se vive constantemente. A la pregunta de si el juego se mueve bien y no da problemas para jugar, podemos comentar que en algunos momentos la tasa de imágenes por segundo se reduce notablemente, y en alguna ocasión se sufre algún ligero problema para apuntar debido a esa reducción, pero es algo muy leve que se reproduce muy poco y bajo circunstancias muy concretas.Con todo, nos atrevemos a decir que Modern Warfare 3 es el mejor en su categoría dentro del no tan extenso catálogo de Wii, donde realmente ha habido pocos juegos de acción en primera persona excelentes. Reconocemos que Black Ops nos gustó más en su campaña por las situaciones que proponía y porque su narrativa nos pareció más fácil de entender.
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Great game.

It's worth it. The game is exactly mw3, and the online gameplay is as fun as ever. Great buy here folks, buy this thing.

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: pre-owned | Sold by: auctionedb


Review of Game

The Game it self is good. Like the graphics. I'm a beginner just starting to play. I must say I would start out saying I'm only going to play the game for just 30 minutes and end up playing at least two hours. Overall I'm pleased. Could not give 5 stars because I haven't had this game long or completed the mission yet. But I will say if you buy this game you want be disappointed.Read full review...

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: pre-owned | Sold by: gandc_enterprises


Can't stop playing this

All I can say is Wow! I did not know I would love this game so much. Can't wait for the newer versions.



Excellent brand new condition. Great game. Only bad thing is that you can only play one player unless you play online

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: new | Sold by: videogamesupply


Great game good grafix at a better price

Cool war game to sweet played for hours!!!!!

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: new | Sold by: videogameadvantage

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