4.64.6 out of 5 stars
821 product ratings
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Good graphics97% agree

Compelling gameplay95% agree

Good value97% agree

621 reviews


If you love COD, stick to MW2 or Black Ops.

I'm a fan of Activision & been playing since COD2. However, I'm very disappointed in Infinity Ward's latest release. MW3 has turned out to be a poor game IMO. I'm rating this 1/5 for many reasons. (1) 12/16 MP maps are made for 'run & gun' type of players. If you like to snip, camp or take your KDR serious. I would avoid this game! (2) No rooftop battles, lame (MW1+2 had 'em). (3) Only Bakaara, has 1 stationary HMG in a crashed chopper (MW1+2 had many in multiple maps). (4) Why have bipods on LMGs, if you can't use 'em? (Ex: WaW, if you press X. You can place it on a ledge. Giving the player better accuracy & mobility). (5) Old perks polished. New perks are poorly created & are useless. (6) Killstreaks: Assault are spread to far apart. Making them extremely difficult to obtain. Support is fun but gets boring after a while. (7) Can't switch care packages, lame. (8) A few new weapons introduced. MSASS & AS50, very nice. All others just been polished or given a new name; lame. (9) Can't create your own emblem/title. (10) Spec Ops is the same from MW2. (11) Survival is fun but becomes boring quickly after unlocking all achievements. (12) Prestige emblems look poorly made. (13) Grenade launcher attachment (Noobtubing) damage has been reduced. Making an effective kill requires you to hit your target. (14) GMAW's damage has been reduced. Making an effective kill requires you to hit your target. (15) RPG unlocks at L80? (16) XM-25 or XM25, overpowered + you get a clip of 4 rds, total 12. (17) Bouncy Betty & Claymore becomes obsolete when opposing player has Stalker Pro. (18) Single Player Campaign got boring after a few chapters. Liked the new scenery though. (19) If you agree with all the above. Sell your MW3 copy & avoid purchasing Elite. Founder status has an expiration date; lame.Read full review...


The game is fun at times, but gets annoying when you play try-hards

It's an alright game. Nothing to special about it. If anything, it's like an expansion of Modern Warfare 2. You may see a lot of people give the same review about this game but it's true! Campaign is pretty difficult, and survival mode is a nice addition to the Modern Warfare series. One thing I really love that this game introduces is the weapon level system and the killstreak packages you can pick. Very versatile. If you are a die hard Call of Duty fan, you should invest in this game. Otherwise, just buy an expansion to Modern Warfare 2.Read full review...


Fun game if you have Xbox live but w/o it, don't get!

This was one of my first COD game and I must say, I was impressed. I beat COD4 single player on PC and that was very entertaining. I was very intuned into the story and the gameplay was great. With this one, not so much. To me, the single player campaign was unplayable. Not because of the game play but, the story was so boring. The multiplayer was probably a big part of that. There is a very nice selection of online game from team death match (a normal kill other team players) or kill confirmed (killing opposing players and recovering their dog tag) in all, there is about 12-16 different modes I think. Another plus to this game is "Survival Mode". This is where you are killing CPU's men, dogs, helicopters, and juggernuts by yourself or with a partner. I really wish that this could be a 4 player thing that you could do with a group of friends but nonetheless, entertaining.Read full review...


Biggest disappointment. Lots of wasted potential.

MW3 is far from the combat experience that MW2 had. Most of the maps are made for players that want to run and gun. Also they packed wayyyy to many kill streaks into the game. It feels as if most of the battles are kill streak battles rather than gun battles. Most of the time I go back to MW2 because my team and I consider it to be the better game. The only reason I am giving this game a 2 star review is because of the single player campaign and spec ops mode. Spec ops has provided me with countless hours of fun at friends houses or over xbox live. The only down side is that only 2 people can play a mission at a time. The campaign is pretty cool. The story doesnt make much sense but the graphics and cinematics make it worth a play through or two. I seriously had to goole the story of the Modern Warfare series to understand it and even then it seemed like they just through a scenario together in a couple of days. If you like the modern warfare call of duty series go out and buy Modern Warfare 2. NOT 3. I would even suggest to buy the first one, but after hopping on to play it like the old days i found that there was only one game available in matchmaking and it was search and destroy. There is no more online population. They have all migrated to MW2 MW3 and Black ops.Read full review...


If you haven't gotten this game yet.... then don't

Here's the bottom line. I had REALLY high expectations for this game. The problem is is that this is too much like MW2. I'm not gonna be a little CoD fanboy and say every game is great. That's because most of them aren't. Let's start with multiplayer. When I started playing the frame rate was SOOO crappy. This was not due to lag for we had perfect connection. Infinity Ward fixed this but I think they should have prevented this anyways. Survival was pretty fun.... at first. Survival didn't really have anything. It was like playing combat training with rounds. The one good thing about this game is that the sniping was fixed. Honestly, in Black Ops sniping sucked. Everything else was fine to me though. The problem is that MW3 doesn't have one problem they have NUMEROUS. I played this game for about 2 hours and I switched back to Black Ops. You're wondering why I didn't sell it aren't you? I don't think it is necessary. This game is not a Must-Get but it also isn't a Must-Throw. This game is decent if you want to play private matches with your friends. Other then that I would stick with Black Ops or MW2. You can listen to my review or you can choose not to. Your decision, your life, your money. But, I just want to warn you. This is not worth $50. If you really want to try it rent it from RedBox first or if you want to own it wait a year. I am now waiting for the next installment in the CoD series. I hope it is better then this. Thanks for reading!Read full review...


Good fun game with the same structure as MW2

I bought this product because I am a strong COD fan. There are new and updated perks, and lethal and tactical grenades. The assault rifles are pretty much the same except the addition of the FAD. This game has the same aspects as MW2. There are no COD points to buy upgrades as in Black Ops, but you now have the option to use prestige tokens to purchase a variety of things such as a new class, double xp for 2 hours, unlocking guns and perks regardless of what level you have to unlock it at. But be careful, you only get one token per prestige.Read full review...


Fantastic Game

Great game, i had it before and recently dug up my old console. Bought a bunch of games and began re-living my teenage years.. The memories this game brings back. Would recommend for others to play it


what happen to real infinity? waste of money

There is no doubt MW2 was the best game of its time. It was so good, that off its reputation alone, it made Black Oops (Ops) become the most anticipated let down in First Person Shooter History. I will never buy another Treyarch game unless they refund my Black Ops money.

So now Infinity Ward gets the ball back to make MW3. How do you make the Best First Person Shooter EVER better?

Well they tried, and is its better? Yes and No!

With the Graphics, Maps, new killstreak rewards and game types ... They are Wicked Nice!
Maps are great, graphics are much improved and you get to choose between 3 type of killstreak rewards and rank up your weapons. NICE!
Plus, I love Kill Confirm, Great GAME!

Overall, great improvements and additions!

But I must say this, when I played MW2 and I'd go for a NUKE and get close, My heart would be Pounding, My Blood running and Adrenaline rushing and thats why I played MW2. That RUSH!
It is not there with MW3. Stacked support killstreaks make it easy, the Assault killstreaks are not that impressive as to you can really effect the outcome of a game. The RISK of going for a nuke was major and the reward was the ultimate pay out. And its gone from online play. :(

Plus MW3 gameplay doesn't flow organically like MW2 did. MW2 just flowed naturally with its movement.

So again is MW3 better...
For the most part yes. It is a fun game.
But it just doesn't carry that Umph! that makes it a great game like MW2 did.
I must add that the weapons are a lot more balanced and that's a good thing.

The series may make money but it will no longer have the title as greatest First Person Shooter. I will now look into BattleField 3 and its new engine and see what Respawn Entertain has coming out in the future.

And this is about as real of an answer as you can get!
- Ed L
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Great Campaign Gameplay, Multiplayer is Same as MW2

This game is great for anyone who HAS played the first two versions. As far as multiplayers its basically the same old concept of every modern warfare. However, if you are into the series because of the campaign you are in for a real surprise. This campaign is by far the best campaign of the COD series. Also this is very well going to be the last one produced. The characters and story line will blow you away as you play the previous characters in a battle between good and evil.
Play it and you will love it. But if you are buying the game for multilayer, keep regular modern warfare 2 and save your money, its not a huge difference.
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Must-Have Title in the Video Game Collection!

This is an awesome phenomenon! It's not just a game, it's a lifestyle. Activision really made a mark with this game and the creation of the Elite membership. Cross-game stats with COD Black Ops and a platform to include upcoming releases and past releases, eventually, is a brilliant business model! Having the Founder statis with the Elite membership makes all the great options even better, especially with the 'Founder Only' goodies. (This is the 2nd COD MW3 Xbox 360 game we purchase, the first one was pre-ordered and we were at launch for four hours (yep, four long hours...) with approximately 1200 of the 20-and-under crowd. I think we were two of twelve over-20 people that were not employees of the store and, coincidentally, ran into our nephews, kids from our neighborhood, allong with current and former schoolmates of our teenaged son...all of whom wondered how and why we were there... Well, we have the credit cards! It was sweet when they pulled up chairs for us around 11pm... As I am a fan of this series, along with Halo, I absolutely recommend this title for all. Our son, though attention span equals the length between previous and upcoming launches, gives this a 21-sniper rifle salute!Read full review...

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