4.74.7 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics98% agree

Compelling gameplay100% agree

Good value97% agree

215 reviews


Fantastic game!

My only complaint about the game was a couple frustrating jump sequences based off the camera angles. There have been numerous references to GOW and that is not a bad thing at all however it is easier from combat to puzzles than GOW and the "no camera control" is no different than GOW.
I am on my second playthrough of the game just to know out the rest of my trophies as it is impossible to knock them out in one playthrough. It is easy however to locate all collectable items, there is absolutley no need to purchase the guide for this game, assuming you are one who would normally purchase a guide. You will have to play through the game atleast twice in order to max out both the Holy and Unholy paths, not a huge deal as the game is very enjoyable and worth playing more than once.
Once you beat the game the first time you will unlock the Gates of Hell arena (50 levels of increasing difficulty that you have to play though in order to unlock that trophy). There is also multiple add-ons for the game to include 10,000 souls which is nice to start a game off with as this is what you use to purchase abilities based on the path you choose (Holy or Un-Holy), you can also download the Dark Forest area which is a medium difficulty puzzle Prequel you will need to beat to unlock 2 additional Trophies.
Overall I very much enjoyed this game and would recommend it especially for those if us that are pineing for the GOW III release
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If Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 had a baby, this is it.

Game Description :

A classic work of literature becomes a sinister action saga in this game inspired by Dante's "The Divine Comedy." Journey through the nine levels of Hell on a quest to save your beloved from the jaws of the underworld. Italian soldier-for-hire Dante returns from war to find his Beatrice murdered, and her soul dragged below. Confront the darkness of your own past as you fight to save her soul. Battle demons with the Reaper's scythe, wield holy powers, tame beasts, and more. Survive limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud, and treachery and you shall be rewarded...with a confrontation with Lucifer himself. Abandon hope all ye who enter here!

My Review :

‎" Hmmm....where to start with this one ? This game has a well thought out story line and pretty good graphics, plus very detailed cinematics (minus Lucifer's enormous male anatomy). I could have really done without seeing that ! I found th...e controls to be OK due to having many different fighting combo upgrades, holy and/or unholy. The controls did ... See Morehowever later on become quite annoying, having to hit circle over and over again to achieve the simplest things. I also found this game to be very unoriginal in many different aspects. Bottom line - If Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 had a baby, this would be it. Best part about this game, easy trophies ! My final score....4 stars. "
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Great game, with a few quirks

Dante's Inferno is a great game in its own right. Sure, it's nearly a complete rip of the more polished "God of War" series, but there's something appealing to beating the living Hell out of, well, Hell. The CGI-animation is top notch during cutscenes, and in-game has decent enough graphics. Gameplay is fluid, and once you understand the fighting system, it turns into a refined button smasher. Best of all, once you have beaten the game, you can start over with all of your abilities still unlocked. The ability system has some depth to it, and it's rewarding to play through again to unlock all of the things that you weren't able to before. Most of the magic abilities are useful, and the cross attack comes in more handy than you would think. The only complaints I have focus around the trivial difficulty settings and a few in-game challenges. Changing the difficulty of the game doesn't make the enemies faster or more cunning; instead the only thing that changes is damage dealt and recieved. That is, you die quicker and they require more beating. On the normal difficulty, things are repetitive enough, but adding in an extra 20 hits to an enemy makes it downright frustrating. You didn't really outsmart Death any more on the second go, you simply beat him twice as hard. There are a few times that the game's difficulty jumped up an unnessecary notch; at times, you can derail from the main path and try to find hidden treasures, but some of these areas seem impossible to get to. At other times the fighting seems to be too challenging for that area, only to die in the next and start back fighting from square one. Other than that, the game is great and definitely worth the money, just be warned: there are graphic images and full nudity.Read full review...


A Review that doesn't mention that (other) game

Those who know me know I LOVE (that other game)'s 1st release. The second-not as much...but the 3rd was just down right awful. But that's just my opinion.
Dante' on the other hand, has its own story, and I might add it's a good one. Controls could have been better if they were also copied, but it is what it is. The graphics were some of the best ever offered in a H&S single player game. Making a big deal about its similarities to another game is like knocking the CAMRY versus its LEXUS alter ego...lift the hood, and you'll see the exact same engine with very few exceptions that really make a difference. That being said-If given a choice between a FREE copy of the 3rd Version of (that other game) and a $20 copy of Dante'.......I would choose DANTE' hands down!Read full review...


Damte's Inferno PS3

I bought this game a week ago after seeing the reviews. I was impressed with the detail of the game and the graffics. It is as good as I expected. The game also plays very well with very little glitches. It is a moderately difficult to challenging game to beat with average skills. I however would recommend a guide book to find all the hidden treasures. It plays similar to Castlevania and Uncharted which is what I liked about it. I do not like the unnecessary nudity and sexuality in it. There is(allot)of it and I don't recommend this for any young children or teens. The constant dead people moaning noises can also get very annoying after a short time. Overall a little more demonic than I would like, but a fun game. I would recommend it but it is very important to watch the content in front of younger viewers.Read full review...


The journey through Hell is one worth taking!

Dante’s Inferno has taken a bit of flak from the gaming community for borrowing a lot (and I do mean a lot) of gameplay elements from God of War. But when it’s all said and done, Dante’s Inferno is a fun experience. The journey through Hell is one worth taking. It doesn’t last a terribly long time and has some lackluster moments, but the majority of the game is a blast to fight through. Beatrice’s Crucifix is a refreshing weapon for this type of game, and from Limbo to Violence the Inferno is full of memorable, if not haunting sights. This is the perfect game for any God of War fan willing to look past some derivative gameplay mechanics.

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Dante's Inferno Review

Dante’s Inferno takes a bold, visually impressive take on a literary classic and adds in an intriguing action focus to create a different kind of action title. Unfortunately, some derivative combat sequences and a shallow combo system prevent the title from becoming a truly great experience. The ending is obviously setting up a full-fledged series, but Dante’s Inferno suffers from unoriginal gameplay features that action fans have seen before, which keeps it from making its true mark.Read full review...


If you like God of War, you will like Dante's Inferno.

Dante's Inferno is inspired by the 14th century epic poem Divine Comedy, taking form it the levels of Hell which the main character travels. It tells the tale of Dante, a crusader who travels to Hell (Inferno) in order to save he's beloved Beatrice. This game is similar to the God of War series in terms of gameplay and controls, so if you like that series there is a chance you will like Dante's Inferno. Graphics look good even though a little bland, background sounds are perfect for every scenario and enemies looks disturbing and evil, representing the very essence of Hell.Read full review...


Dante's Journey to Hell Will Be Hell For You

Graphics - 5/5
What can I say? They were nice. The backgrounds seemed rushed a little at times, but the fire looked nice and graphics looked like a PS3 game, the cut scenes had lots of detail as well.

Story - 5/5
The story involves the protagonist, Dante, who chases after his true love as she is stolen by Lucifer because of Dante's sins in the past. As you progress through the game, you pass through the Gates of Hell as you begin your perilous journey towards the ruler of Hell itself, Lucifer. On the way, you use the environment around you to aid you, including great beasts and tormented souls, not to mention the enemies themselves.

As you make your way through the first couple of circles of Hell, you find mysterious relics and coins. These are collectibles which will help you in getting the Platinum Trophy in the game, most likely requiring more than one play-through. However, they get you more than just some trophies that you can show off to your friends, they get you costumes which you'll be able to show off in the upcoming DLC, Trials of St. Lucia. This add-on to the game will bring a co-op mode, both online and offline, which no hack-n-slash game has seen before. This is what separates this game from God of War. That and the great, thought out story.
but the game overall keeps true to the events of the poem. It even shows cantos from the poem whenever you die, but they don't stay up long enough to read.

Gamplay & Controls - 2/5
The controls are horrible. Their just down right bad. Try to jump over here... and die, try to swing over here... and die. Combine the controls with the fixed camera angle and you DIE everywhere! The only redeeming thing about the controls is that EA copied God of War well enough that the combat system isn't as bad as the overall controls, sure I had some problems here and there, but as much. Another thing to note is how stupid and poorly written the A.I is in this game, seriously.... go to any of the challenges in the last part of the game and just sit there. Only one or two enemies attack at once and they simply stand there doing nothing.

Flaws 4/5
This game has some major issues. I found myself dying in glitches all the time and sometimes for no reason at all. It's like EA simply ported over all the glitches God of War 1 and 2 had and then simply changed the story. Another thing I hated with this game is the fixed camera angle, this alone makes you die is certain sections of the game simply due to not being able to see and judge the distance of where your jumping to.

Replay Value - 5/5
There are three modes of difficulty to start off with, it doesn't matter which one you play through to unlock the three other modes Infernal Mode, Redemption Mode and Resurrection Mode.

Infernal Mode is simply a "Super Hard" mode

Resurrection Mode has you replaying the game WITH all of your previous relics and abilities again.

Gates of Hell is a waves after wave of Minions, like a flood.

Overall - 3/5
I don't even want to give this game a 3, it's more like 2.5/5. The graphics are the only saving grace for this game. It tries too hard to copy Devil May Cry and God of War with the button smashing combos and puzzles.This is a decent hack & slash game, but nothing great. The controls are stiff and combined with the fixed and ever changing awkward camera positions, combined with about two or three nearly impossible puzzles and you have yourself Dante's Inferno.

I suggest only 1 trip into Hell, a rental at best.
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poor man's god of war

I managed to get a few hours into the game & from what I've been told I probably nearly beat it (the friend who told me to buy it said it was a brief game).

I had neglected playing it for this long due to the fact the game manufacturers hired a pack of counterfeit religious protesters to boycott the release, that struck me as a desperate smoke screen to raise hype over a poor product. In retrospect I may have been right.

Nudity does not a good game make. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't jerk my head away violently during the cut scenes that I actually saw, it is just that the entertainment value of Dante's Inferno v.s the desire to see the next scene with full frontal nudity.... I can look at cartoon breasts without being bored with some other medium should I desire to.

72" ...That just so happens to be the size of my very own television that I get to play games on when I have the time. How this is relevant? Glad you asked, cause I'm itching to tell you. If you can't read the in-game text on 72 inches worth of high definition, then something may be wrong. I did some leveling up, based on other games I've played I'm willing to assume that it was a good thing.

Overall, worse games come out each day & every once in a while there are some released that are better. I will play it again one day most likely. Don't spend too much on this game.
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