3.93.9 out of 5 stars
72 product ratings
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Good graphics100% agree

Compelling gameplay87% agree

Good value85% agree

69 reviews


Pretty Good

Personally, I liked this game. The story line is really good and keeps you curious about what is going to happen next. The spuad controls are simple and easy to use. The aiming in this game is a little screwed up and hard to use, but after you play the game for awhile it gets easier. The thing that I really didn't like is the language. The carrecters in this game say the f word at least once in about every sentance. In one dialoge, lynch said it three or four times in one sentance. The graphics weren't the best in the world but still pretty good. I love the Fragile alliance online multiplayer, on some maps you, and anywhere from four to eight players, rob a bank, still cocaine, or steal money from the mob.

I would definatly recommend playing this game, but you might want to rent it before you buy it. You might want to stick with the ratings, too (not a game for little kids).
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Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (Xbox 360)

Gameplay: 7.0
As a single-player experience, the game doesn’t seem to have the right feel to make it worth going through solo. The shootouts and interesting scenarios are best played cooperatively with a friend and with enough guns the action does get delightfully intense. It’s just too bad the ride is just way too short.

Graphics: 6.5
The game’s dated graphics can be a bit disappointing to gamers expecting this game to take advantage of the Xbox 360’s graphics capabilities but there are moments when the game does look good and certain backgrounds do stand out. Still, gamers won’t be able to feel as though the character models could have looked better than what is featured here.

Sound: 8.5
Both Kane and Lynch sound the way you would expect two hardened and psychotic individuals to sound and the rest of the cast do a good job as well. There is a good soundtrack here but I do wish the sound effects were handled better.

Difficulty: Medium
The enemies you will encounter range from smart to really dumb and there are moments when you will be overwhelmed by the number of enemies on screen. There are some interesting challenges scattered throughout the game and enemy snipers do a great job of trying to force you out of your hiding place.

Concept: 7.0
Both Kane and Lynch aren’t very interesting characters but their plight will not fail to entertain. There are some good scenarios here and a deeply involving online and offline multiplayer mode that will be the reason you will still be playing the game.

Multiplayer: 8.5
This game was certainly made for cooperative play so you will want to grab a friend and tackle the main story mode together. Sadly, co-op is restricted to offline play but the game makes up for this unfortunate blunder by making the Fragile Alliance online multiplayer mode loads of fun.

Overall: 7.0
Despite a few unforgettably stand-out moments and a deeply enjoyable multiplayer mode, Kane & Lynch is a crime caper that is not as great as it could have been on the Xbox 360. While the fast-paced and action-packed chapters have their share of spectacular moments, the game is held back by characters we do not really care about and dated gameplay that just doesn’t feel like a next-generation game.
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Between Average and Good but not Excellent

This would make a great XBOX title but looks kind of dated for a 360 title. This game reminds me of 360 Fear Files, the sequel to Fear. The graphics are ...alright, okay. Animation is acceptable, voice work is alright, game characters are a little hooky. Storyline is okay.

Lately I've been focusing on positive thoughts and ignoring negative thinking..
Sooo....when I played this game, I imagined it was ported from a XBOX title to the 360, when I thought that, the game didnt disappoint. If I imagined it as a pure 360 release I would have been very saddened.

Targeting is a little wonky now and then, playing it on the high level of Morphine wasnt too bad, for some odd reason when I played it the enemy hid in front of barriers so I could easily shoot them down. For me the playthrough was pretty easy and I like easy even when the game was set on the hardest "morphine" difficulty. I like to win when I play games and so this title provided that very well.

Multiplayer is alright, pretty fun for a little bit .. I dont know.. maybe it should be called a "free for all" killing spree..
I heard the makers of Hitman made this game too, some things are okay and some are broken, or at least not working the way its suppose to. Average game, buy it cheap if you can.
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Kane & Lynch, Solid title, try for yourself!

Kane & Lynch, What more could be said than you already know?

The game revolves around 2 filty mouthed thugs hell bent on revenge.

Within the game you encounter a lot of really thrilling parts while bank robbing, and doing other dirty deeds.

Kane & Lynch was highly anticipated and therefore looked over very well for flaws. People exploit the game for what it should have been more than what it is. You should never allow yourself to believe anything said about a game before you actually see it for yourself.

I've played it and enjoy it. The reviews of people saying it has control issues. The Dialog is bland, and repetative, too much cursing. Well what do you expect? These are 2 horrible guys, they're broke out of prison, they kill cops, they rob banks. Do you expect them to talk like the monopoly guy?. The controlling issues I find to be a player problem only. I had no problem getting my men into cover and assigning my other teammates posistions and orders. The AI is questionative. Sometimes its really good, sometimes its really bad. I don't think its purposely made this way, it's just a glitch, if you find a parts to easy just do it again. I mean how many people remember Gears of War and all their glitches. It was still game of the year, and STILL has glitches a year later. Lay asside the fact the game wasnt packed with everything to be thought it would be. Try the game and trial it as it is. Not for what it isnt. Kane & Lynch has great missions, awesome multiplayer. And you get a chance to do things you'd go to jail for otherwise. Despite the fact you can do this also with games like, GTA, Saints Row, Crackdown. Kane & Lynch focuses more in depth and allows the players to be more involved in the dirty deeds at hand. I would recommened this game to anyone who liked the movie Heat. Its the closest thing you'll get to a hold up. Without actually doing it.

My thoughts: I give this game a 4/5, although its not perfect. It's not a horrible game either. Try it out for yourself. Because reviews can sometimes be decieving. :)
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This game is super fun!

This game is awesome! The controls are good and has lots of maneuverability. I would definitely recommend this game to any type of gamer! This game does have a lot of explicit language though, so parental watch is advised.

This game is like a cross of HITMAN and DARKNESS, it takes both settings and combines to an excellent story line, it gives the player a feeling of command and power from the start. The tutorial sessions are made where the actual player is teaching its protégé (lynch), but at the same type both parties are learning!! EXCELLENT GAME!! EXCELLENT GRAPHICS!!

Only thing I would improve about this game is the multiplayer action on Xbox live!!!!
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Realistic Shooter, but language is over the top

This is a great addition for the gamer who is sick of unrealistic gun fights and the ability to heal after taking 50 bullets to the face. Kane and Lynch gives a view from the criminal side of society, and does a great job with the in-game co-op features. Just be prepared for the language that comes with the crime world. It almost seems unneeded. But, nonetheless this is a fun game especially for the price and the amount of little things the game does; calling out orders, incoming sniper cams, and many others. Plus, if you do get taken down, your trusty companion will come inject you full of drugs so you can keep going. Nice.Read full review...


Fast paced action. Good multiplayer.

Graphics: 6/10 (Textures seem outdated. Some levels look good, while other look kind of dry or not rich enough in detail.)

Gameplay: 5/10 (If the cover system worked as it should this game would have been way better. Also directing your crew seems a bit troublesome specially in the big gunfights. The friendly AI can't aim for sh**t.

Story: 8/10 (Michael Mann movie style with way more outside gunfights)

Multiplayer: 8/10 (Can play the whole campaign online or splitscreen)

Longetivity: 6/10 (Once you complete it you won't be playing over and over believe me.)

Sound/Music: 8/10 (The music is top-notch, feels movie like. The guns feel powerful and voice acting is not bad.)

Bottom line is buy it if you just love big gunfights with the volume all the way up. Multiplayer's not bad but gets old quick. The price should be cheap enough (I got mine for $10 here on ebay almost new) that if you end up not liking it you can always return it to your nearest game store for credit :}
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Good Game

Gameplay: 7.0
As a single-player experience, the game doesn’t seem to have the right feel to make it worth going through solo. The shootouts and interesting scenarios are best played cooperatively with a friend and with enough guns the action does get delightfully intense. It’s just too bad the ride is just way too short.

Graphics: 6.5
The game’s dated graphics can be a bit disappointing to gamers expecting this game to take advantage of the Xbox 360’s graphics capabilities but there are moments when the game does look good and certain backgrounds do stand out. Still, gamers won’t be able to feel as though the character models could have looked better than what is featured here.

Sound: 8.5
Both Kane and Lynch sound the way you would expect two hardened and psychotic individuals to sound and the rest of the cast do a good job as well. There is a good soundtrack here but I do wish the sound effects were handled better.

Difficulty: Medium
The enemies you will encounter range from smart to really dumb and there are moments when you will be overwhelmed by the number of enemies on screen. There are some interesting challenges scattered throughout the game and enemy snipers do a great job of trying to force you out of your hiding place.

Concept: 7.0
Both Kane and Lynch aren’t very interesting characters but their plight will not fail to entertain. There are some good scenarios here and a deeply involving online and offline multiplayer mode that will be the reason you will still be playing the game.

Multiplayer: 8.5
This game was certainly made for cooperative play so you will want to grab a friend and tackle the main story mode together. Sadly, co-op is restricted to offline play but the game makes up for this unfortunate blunder by making the Fragile Alliance online multiplayer mode loads of fun.

Overall: 7.0
Despite a few unforgettably stand-out moments and a deeply enjoyable multiplayer mode, Kane & Lynch is a crime caper that is not as great as it could have been on the Xbox 360. While the fast-paced and action-packed chapters have their share of spectacular moments, the game is held back by characters we do not really care about and dated gameplay that just doesn’t feel like a next-generation game.
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Horrible enough said

What can I say about the highly anticipated Kane and Lynch? A few words come to mind pile of Elephant Dung about sums it up. I was looking forward to this game but after seeing it get bad reviews I decided to rent it before buy and thank god I did. Listed are the good and bad of Kane and Lynch (mostly bad)

The Good

The front cover is pretty cool

The trailers are good

There are two somewhat fun levels

Fragile alliance online multiplayer is a good idea. (You can betray teammates during a mission and get away with more points.)

The Bad

Broken game mechanics.

Impossible to aim weapons.

Sub-par graphics.

Shallow Characters.

TONS of glitches.

Extremely frustrating even on easy difficulty

Storyline sounds interesting but is boring during the game.

You only rob one bank despite what the commercials say.

No online Co-op

In Fragile alliance online multiplayer, enemies respawn in the same place every single time.

The members of your crew always get killed making you have to spend more time healing them then actually playing the game. If you dont you lose and have to restart the scene.

Overall if the game makers had put half the time and money they spent on advertising into the actual game it may have been decent. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME YOU WILL REGRET IT. Rent it first at least I know I'm glad I did.
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Awesome Game, good story line

This is a pretty good game, the view is pretty cool on it. It's more like a 2nd person shooter so you are not directly behind the character and you are not directly in front of him. More like you are looking over his shoulder.

The story line is good from start to finish. Once you start playing the game you will not want to put it down. Consequently you will finish it fairly quickly. I beat the entire game fairly quickly and was dissapointed that the story did not continue.

All in all this was great game and if a part two ever came out I would be first in line to get it...
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