4.64.6 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics98% agree

Compelling gameplay96% agree

Good value96% agree

405 reviews


Left 4 Dead

I was thinking about purchasing this game a while back because a friend wanted to run a small ladder at a local 360 lounge, and I knew next to nothing about the game. Personally, I had never been into zombie survival horror type games, and didn't know how this was going to be much different. Found a great deal for the game, so I thought it was too good to pass up & here I am now thinking that this is the kind of game I should have been playing for months.

Classically, I play games to play them with other people. Playing games by myself (outside of SNES and other classics) I find to be the most dull and pointless ways to spend my time. So the ability to play with four other friends in either campaign, survival, or versus is essential. One of the first times I ever played with a big group of friends in versus, it was literally non-stop laughs.

Also, I really enjoy playing games that require a large amount of skill to be successful in. Its very rewarding to me when I know that the hours that I put into a video game will give me an edge over little 13 year olds that don't know Asteroids from Space Invaders. Nothing makes me more annoyed at a video game than when it decides to 'balance the playing field' simply because one team is incompetent. In that aspect L4D is great.

Finally, anyone who plays games online understands the frustration that goes along with internet latency, or lag. In the world of medium paced shooters, lag can be a nightmare, especially when its coming down to those crucial moments when you have to make quick split-second decisions that could determine a win or loss. Games like Halo 3 are notorious for their problems with latency, which really makes it difficult for me to play at any kind of competitive level on the type of internet connection I have available to me. Left 4 Dead, however, is surprisingly simplistic. Be it valve's source code or the type of graphics they used, internet latency is almost always at a minimum, and I feel like I'm playing on a much better connection, even off host. I could even compare this aspect of the game to something like Shadowrun... very fair and rarely plays a roll at any moment in the game.

With all that in mind, I give the game an 8 out of 10. I would highly recommend the game to anyone who likes to play with friends, as when I have, it has been a total blast. And if you like killing Zombies? My friend, you will have your hands full. The only thing I would ask for, is more downloadable content, but there is a now map coming out this fall, and a brand new L4D 2 game also on its way, so I'm far from complaining.

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Left 4 Dead is good, not great

- L4D is a good co op game. Couch co op or online co op, the game is special when there are partners playing together.

- The controls are simple and effective. Everything you carry is accessible from a trigger or 'hot key' direction on the D pad. Weapons (main & secondary), Meds, frags and your flashlight. You shoot, frag, shove and gun slap to survive the undead masses.

- The 4 campaign level designs are good, and offer multiple paths to from point A to point B. Dark & Moody, they feel like they were ripped right out of the movie set ideas of the best zombie movie makers. Endless scores of zombies tear at you through walls, pounce at you from dark rooms and swarm you from dark alleys.

L4D is 100% frantic. Zombies come from ALL directions, giving you few breaks to catch your breath, grab some ammo, med kits & pipe bombs.
Teamwork is essential to enjoying the game. Special types of zombies can incapacitate you quickly, and will kill you without a friends help. You will be barfed on, tongue wrapped and feasted upon. No amount of skill will keep you from relying on a partner.

L4D resembles some of the 'normal' looking multiplayer games of the last few years. There are some cloudy textures and fewer complex animations than other games out this year. L4D's looks are inferior to a game like Gears of War 2, and understandably so.
L4D throws scores of things at you, from variable AI inspired directions, at a high rate of speed, and all with no slow down.

The simple gameplay gets repetitive, but the excitement is kept high due to the relentless action, random zombie encounters, intense & frightening moments, and a heavy reliance on team cooperation.

Multiplayer is balanced extremely well. Player teams alternate between playing the escaping humans or hunting zombies. Humans have superior firepower while the zombies have superior numbers. Players aid the zombie hordes by playing the special zombies.
Instead of using shotguns and assault rifles, these special zombies vomit, constrict and tackle their prey.
I was really surprised by how much fun the VS multiplayer was.

Good game overall. B
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Greatest Multiplayer on the 360

This is a zombie killing co-op first person shooter. the "campaign" mode is players versus ai in a story styled like typical zombie movies. 4 survivors splatter their way through airports, gas stations, warehouses, hospitals, national parks, and boat docks, while trying to keep themselves alive. this mode is very well done with gritty and well styled locations and well paced progression that gives a sense of urgency. the gameplay in this mode is well suited for any group of casual players who enjoys simple and cathartic oriented co-op.
Where this game really shines though is the multiplayer. the "versus" mode adds the ability to play through 2 (soon to be all) of the campaigns against a human controlled team of special infected. teams trade off playing either the survivors or the infected first and then switching. the infected have 4 different kinds of zombies each with different ability. one has a tongue that can latch onto and pull survivors. one has vomit which attracts normal infected and blocks the vision of people covered in it. one can leap great distances and pounce on survivors knocking them down. the 4th type spawns at random during a chapter and can throw enormous rocks and punch things with enough force to knock them great distances. the survivors gain all the same weapons and grenades from the standard co-op, but the infected offer a great varied tactical style of play that reminds one a little of stealth-action games.
in my opinion this less competitive and more team oriented multiplayer is far superior anything else the xbox360 has to offer at the moment. better than call of duty 4, way better than halo 3, IF YOU ENJOY MULTIPLAYER SHOOTERS GET THIS GAME!
on the 21st of April valve will be offering a free down loadable content expansion that will add all of the campaigns to versus mode, and and entirely new mode based on surviving infinite waves of zombies.
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Left 4 Dead

This game is fun. It has 5 different stages and 5 different checkpoints within those 5 stages. Pretty much the game is about killing zombies with 4 people together. You can choose who you want to play as between the 4 characters. It's a fun game playing offline and single player. I can see this game being really fun online though. I haven't played this game online yet but I am sure that is where the real replay factor comes in. I have beaten this game offline, single player and I might want to go back and shoot around a few more times but for the most part once you play it offline and by yourself it, isn't that fun to play it over again. Now playing with someone else in the same room or online would make this game fun to play over again. The game also has limited weapon choice.
Overall this game would be good to rent if you don't have highspeed internet and I would recommend to buy it if you do have highspeed internet, if you like co-op killing.
B Rating
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A Realistic First-Person Zombie Game

Having previously played this game, I was already aware of its ability to induce an adrenaline rush like no other game had ever given me. The excellence in its artificial intelligence is a major purchasing factor. NPC's (Non-Player Computers) are capable of hiding, attacking at the perfect moment, and become more of a threat the higher one sets the gameplay level. Overall, the game earns its mature rating with the gore, and could possibly give your kids nightmares. I suggest purchasing it and playing only when the little one's are fast asleep. I am not a father, nor will I be soon, but if I were, my child of 13 or younger would not own this game. I, a 20 year old college student, have found much joy in this purchase.Read full review...


Zombies, Blood, and More Zombies

My daughter (12) wanted this for Christmas, so we grabbed one at a great price...less than $6 I think. Used. So it was an open box, so why not try it out for her? It is like the movie Zombieland became animated and we got to control it. It is rated M for mature but it really is not that bad, sure there are zombies and blood, but that is it really, so unless you take exception to blood and guns...this is a fine game for the pre-teen. MUCH better than a Grand Theft Auto or something of that nature. The zombies are EASY to klill, so it is not frustrating...just fun. This is an easier game than the others at this level, so good for a beginner. My ONLY complaint is that it is DARK in your gun has a flashlight on top of it...just narrows your perspective a LITTE BIT. ENJOY!!!Read full review...


Killing zombies with friends? Sign me up!

Left 4 Dead is a really run first person shooter that sticks you in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. There are 4 campaigns with 5 missions in each, for a total of 20 missions. In the first 4 missions of each campaign you are heading for a safehouse. In the final mission of each campaign you head to a location to summon help, and of course a massive zombie horde. The only reason I rated this 4/5 instead of 5/5 is the amount of missions/campaign. I played through the whole co-op game in about 5-6 hours. You can come back and play again though, because the experience will change.

There is also a multiplayer vs mode. It's not bad, but it gets a little boring playing as the zombies. If you play as one of the main characters the experience is much like the campaign mode. If you play as a zombie you die quick and spend most of your time waiting to respwan to attack the survivors again. It's no bad, but I wouldn't buy the game based on it's multiplayer. It does make a nice add-on to kill a couple more hours.

If you enjoy co-op campaign shooter games, you need this game. If you can't buy it, rent it.
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Left 4 Dead, kills in the game ratings

One of the best games of 2008, trying to compete with Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 (both 2007) is Left 4 Dead. Prequel to the Newer hot game of 2009, Left 4 Dead 2, this action first person shooter zombie game, is filled with gut wrenching turns, thrills, and chills of every sort. With five playable campaigns and five chapters in each, this game adds up to an amazing 25 chapter saga. When playing the game try to survive to the very end.
Special Features in this game include: 5 different playable campaigns, with five different chapters; four different playable characters, as well as playing as certain zombie characters; downloadable content; and much much more.
Will you SURVIVE!
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Left 4 Dead Review- 5/5

Left 4 Dead is an awesome game. I decided to buy it because I had seen the trailer and looked at a few screen shots. Also, as a general rule, any Valve game is awesome. I decided to buy it from my certain buyer because it was the cheapest I could find. I'm not a cheap guy, but am out of a job right now, so I decided to take the "eBay way out".

The game play is outstanding. There are only 6 weapons in the game, not including molotovs, pipebombs, and gasoline containers. The simplicity of it is perfect. Your mission is to survive. Get to the next safe house, getting closer and closer to being rescued. I completed all 4 campaigns in about 6-7 hours...on NORMAL. Setting your game to hard or expert really turns on your senses and forces you to be very careful in how you play. With plenty of achievements, the single player will keep you busy.
Then, there's Xbox Live. Being paired with 3 other teammates going to kill zombies just makes it all the more fun...or you can decide to go into a match where you can choose to be a Survivor or a Zombie. :) FUNNNNN

The only thing that I can remotely think about disliking this game is the addiction level that causes lack of sleep. Maybe the game could use a few more campaigns or bigger levels, but that all may come with time if Valve decides to release more for download.

5/5 Great Game.
Must have.
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Better than Dead Rising 1 and 2

This is one of the most fun multiplayer games I've played in a while, let me repeat that: MULTIPLAYER!! Most negative reviews I've seen for this game lament the lacking single player and they are right, you need friends to enjoy this game, either through Live or system link is the best way to enjoy this game so if you only enjoy single player games you should not get this.

That being said the game is worthwhile, it has two modes: campaign where you team up with 4 friends and fight through one of four movies, and versus which has 4 vs 4 humans vs special infected on 2 of the 4 movies. There are only a few weapons and items, which makes the game simple to pick up, and the objective in each level is simple: get from point A to point B. There are 4 levels of difficulty, and expert is as painful as it sounds. Versus is where the game really shines though, a movie is chosen and 4 people play through as humans while the other 4 play though as special infected, zombies with abilities, and at the end of each part of the movie roles are reversed and scores are tallied.

The only reason that this game is getting good instead of excellent is because the versus mode only has 2 of the 4 movies; however, a different version of the game is coming out that will plus a new mode, so if you don't have Live I would pick that one up.
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