4.34.3 out of 5 stars
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Engaging characters100% agree

99 reviews


"I'm Always Around" Solid performace by Brandon Routh!

He's back. A hero for our millennium. And not a moment too soon, because during the five years (much longer in movie-fan years!) Superman sought his home planet, things changed on his adopted planet earth. Nations moved on without him. Lois Lane now has a son, a fiance and a Pulitzer for "Why the World Doesn't Need Superman." And Lex Luthor has a plan that will destroy millions - no, billions - of lives. Filmmaker Bryan Singer (X-Men) gives the world the Superman it needs, honoring the legend everyone loves while taking it in a powerful new direction. Brandon Routh proves a perfect choice to wear the hero's cape, leading a top cast that includes Kate Bosworth as Lois and Kevin Spacey as Lex. And the thrills - from a sky-grapple with a tumbling jumbo jet to a continent-convulsing showdown - redefine Wow. "I'm always around," Superman tells Lois. You'll be glad he is. Makes a nice addition to your collection. Granted Christopher Reeves is the KING of superman in our hearts, but Brandon Routh is VERY convincing in this role!!Read full review...


Superman Returns Posted by CK-Auctions

More than a standard-issue superhero action/drama, Superman Returns is a spiritual, poignant character study for one of the industry's most enduring icons. This time around, the Man of Steel has abandoned Earth for five long years; in his absence, Lois Lane has written a scathing, Pulitzer Prize-winning piece called "Why the World Doesn't Need Superman" (ouch!), having also become a mother and soon-to-be wife. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor has conned his way into a fortune, using the proceeds to seek out crystals from the Fortress of Solitude; naturally, he'd use these crystals to shift the planet's landscape for his own benefit. After all, what kind of super-villain would Luthor be if he didn't?

Over the course of this three-hour adventure, Superman reassures Lois and the rest of the world that yes, they need Superman more than ever. It almost borders on "What If?" territory, yet the sweeping, dramatic story is told with such care and conviction that it's easy to get behind. Routh handles the dual role perfectly---almost too perfectly, as he's an uncanny match for the late Christopher Reeve in both likeness and demeanor. From clumsy and bumbling to confident and heroic, Routh keeps the transition smooth. With that said, you'd think more citizens of Metropolis would be able to make the Clark/Superman connection: as usual, the glasses and parted hair are enough to fool everyone.

There are, of course, a few nitpicks that make themselves known during Superman Returns. Kate Bosworth does a fine job as the spirited Lois Lane, but she just doesn't seem old or experienced enough to be a seasoned, Pulitzer-winning journalist. Kevin Spacey chews the scenery nicely as the dastardly Lex Luthor, yet a few of his goombas are played too much for comedy relief to seem like a genuine threat to the city. There's one issue that corrects itself quickly, involving a certain younger character who comes of age: he's thankfully pushed to the background during the last third of the film, but at least his eventual "introduction" provides a nice jolt during the second act.

All things considered, Superman Returns is a fantastic film that mixes familiar elements with a contemporary style to keep everything fresh. It's also nice to see a few familiar faces and winks at Superman lore, including the opening title sequence, the "resurrection" of Marlon Brando as Superman's father, Jor-El (via digital trickery) and a clever nod to the famous Action Comics #1 cover. Superman Returns was obviously a labor of love for the cast and crew, proving to be as invaluable to the franchise as Batman Begins was to DC's other cultural icon. The DVD presentation by Warner Bros. pairs the main feature with an excellent technical presentation and a nice spread of bonus material, though a slimmer single-disc edition is also available for casual fans. Let's take a closer look, shall we?

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Superman Returns: A Return too Greatness

As fate would have it, a mysterious calling from the green crystal takes Superman away from earth for 5 years in the hope the planet Krypton may still have survived after it's terrible destruction.>When upon his return to the Fortress of Solitude, the man of steel finds the world has changed and not for better, but for far worse. After Seeking the advice of his long dead father Jor-El ( played by Marlon Brando with previous footage left over from Superman II) from the mysterious green crystal, Superman decides to return to earth.
When Superman does return to seek the life he once had in society ( and to fit in) he finds that some of the changes that have taken place and took place in his absence, is that Lois Lane has settled into a relationship and has started a family with a child (that perhaps was his from Superman II?).

His arch enemy now escaped from prison Lex Luthor is still making his evil mark upon society and the deadly ambitions to making another continent of his own evil twisted desires from a kryptonite crystal stolen from the Fortress of Solitude as he pondered his last visit there and had led to his imprisonment.

Superman Returns in tradition of the other Superman movies, (picks up where the previous movie, Superman II (1981) story lines) as Director Bryan Singer does an excellent job with the traditional story line, tying the plot line of this movie: and blending them all within each other's plot lines too make them all relate with the first two Superman Films.
OUTSTANDING visual and special effects are the high lights of this motion picture that carry your imagination to the far reaches of space and to the bottom of the ocean as Superman tries to pick up where he left off for mankind before he left the world too seek himself and his Kryptonian heritage.
The soundtrack music from Superman: the Movie, the musical score John Williams created is used here as well too keep the feeling of the first two Superman films. Superman Returns is a new and exciting movie that is family entertainment AT IT'S VERY BEST!!!
ALSO: In 2006 upon the release of Superman Returns: A Special Superman II film was released to the public called: SUPERMAN II: THE RICHARD DONNER DIRECTORS CUT,which combines previous footage and the footage with Marlon Brando giving a real indebt story line into the Superman Trilogy, and really making it tie in with Superman Returns!

Please check out website for more information on these stories!!


Superman/Clark Kent.................Brandon Routh
Lex Luthor.........................Kevin Spacey
Lois Lane..........................Kate Bosworth
Perry White........................Frank Langella
Ma Kent............................Ava Marie Saint
Jor-El.............................Marlon Brando

DIRECTOR...........................Bryan Singer
WRITERS............................Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty
TIME LENGTH........................155 minutes RATED PG-13Read full review...


Superman Returns - Tom Welling deserved role!

Cool hollywood special effects somewhat makeup for cheezy choice as superman. Does have an opening with a edge of your seat combo rescue of a non-deployed space shuttle attached to the top a jumbo jet containing one "Lois Lane" which malfunctions & plummets space shuttle & jumbo jet filled with media poparazzi per se into gravity defying orbit around the earth "until" superman saves the day... SUPERB OPENING! HOWEVER, TOM WELLING is the only CANDIDATE for SUPERMAN in lieu of Christopher Reeves in ANY CAPACITY! also, I would have liked to see Michael Rosenbaum as Lex too!! The villan in the movie version has star power per se and then you give lead role as Superman a no...body? yikes warner brothers..fatal mistake because I never went to see in the theater and I rented 2 years later that original release because I wanted to see Tom Welling and why warner brothers chose a cheap substitute!! Smallville is still kickin Warner Bros.....and I bought every season to enjoy over and over again and to share with friends I love it so much!Read full review...


Surprisingly good!

I didn't think that I would like this movie at all. I was in no rush to see it. However my husband brought it home so I sat down and watched it with him. kevin Spacey makes such a great Lex Luther! You almost feel bad for him lol. He is such a great bad guy! I found it silly how no one recongized Clark but thats how the story goes though. Not the movies fault! I also found it predictable that Lois Lane son was going to be superman's son. I loved how they tied that in though with him saving his mom by throwing the Piano across the room! After that we didn't see any more super powers from little superman besides his ability to see his father in the water. I would have loved to have saw more. I also would have loved to see some more hot romantic action between lois and superman. Overall it was a good movie. It was entertaining, and I hope that another one comes out soon to continue the story of Superman, little superman, and Lois. Will they end up one big family? What about Lois fiancee? So many unanswered questions!Read full review...


A very young looking superman

I was suprised about this film. The villain can not act evil enough. Kevin Spacey made me want to make me laugh- although I did not. I found myself feeling sorry for him. His woman is not very supportive he does not seem to care if the plan works or not.

I had a thought that maybe he just wanted to take over the world because he had the power to do so.

Superman seemed too young. Lois was right to leave find someone new. She needed a life not some young looking playboy who just wants some lemony fun and then trys to find his old home. Superman can see thought clothing. He would have known that Lois was pregnet before she did. I think this film made Superman into an ass.

Why does Jimmy Olson not have a girl, yet? That makes no sence to me. He is very cute. But he spends his nights eating with Lois and her new man. Why would the creator of the comic do this?

Lois should be the one not finding anyone. How did she find the time?

And, Clark getting his old job back because someone died is a loud of bull.(sorry for almost cursing.) There has to be someone more quilified out there then Clark.

They also mentioned Gothum being part of the black out but Batman must be so tied up in buying Lex's new North America to care. The rest of the DC universe must be asleep or in commas.

Rent this one first, please!
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Superman Returns Review

I give Brian Singer a thumbs up for bringing the Man of Steel back to the big screen. Kevin Spacey made the perfect Lex Luthor. Didn't care for the Lois Lane character... She is just trying to imitate Margo Kidder too well and not doing a good job at it. Brandon Rooth sometimes did too good of a job of trying to be Christopher Reeves. He is a young actor he needs to make Superman his own character instead of impersonating Reeves. Enough about the actors and on to the plot line. Sometimes there were too many turns but I guess since some people may need to be reintroduced to the Man of Steel that it was important to have the step by step explanations. I don't know where the major plot twist came from (don't want to ruin the movie) but I don't recall that having ever been in any of the comic books.

Decided to buy it at the recommendation of a friend. Also there needs to be a future release without the digital editing on Brandon.

Bloomington Indiana
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We need Christopher Reeves!

Christopher Reeves left some very large red boots to fill. I don't think that Brandon Routh even came close to filling them. Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane? Sorry, I'm not feelin' it. Kevin Spacey was brilliant as Lex Luthor. Beyond Spacey, I think that the move was not cast well at all. Bosworth simply didn't live up to the legend that is Margot Kidder's Lois Lane; she's a fine actress, but not right for the roll.

I very reluctantly watched this movie. I was actually very adamant about not seeing it, but finally caved in just to see if was any good. I just didn't think that ANYONE could live up to Christopher Reeves as Clark Kent/Superman and didn't want to see anyone ruin the picture of Superman in my mind.

That being said, you're probably wondering why I rated this movie 4 out of 5. Well, somewhat bad casting choices aside, the movie was, I begrudgingly admit, good. The story, though a little slow in the beginning, was solid thereafter.

Though I thought Spacey did a nice job a Lex Luthor, I would have liked to see a different Superman villian...maybe in the next Superman movie...

Overall, this movie was good. I just had to look past the strange face of Clark Kent.

If you are a die-hard Christopher Reeves is the only Superman, this movie may not be for you. You might want to pull out your VHS copy of the original movies and revisit the only big-screen Superman.

If you're too young to remember (or have ever seen) Christopher Reeves as Superman, you missed out on something, but this movie should tide you over until the next superhero movie comes out.

If you have no idea who I'm talking about but you like Superman, comic books, or superhero movies, give this one a shot.
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Superman Returns....Again

I was very reluctant to watch this movie as I grew up with Christopher Reeves as the man of steel. I just did not think that anyone else could pull it off. Well, I was wrong again.
The story line leaves something to be desired, but once the movie gets going then it gets you.
One thing I did like was that Superman did not flich at the little things.
Kevin Spacey as Lex Luther was outstanding. He always shines in a movie. He brings evil villians to another level with his wit and dry sense of humor.
The only part that could have been better about this movie was the kid. We get it....Superman can have really show us what a half human half superhuman could do as a child. I mean, throwing the piano was great, but I think that he could have helped out a bit more.
Anyways, this is a good movie for the Superman fans.
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DVD Extras worth watching!

Previously post in our eBay Blog:

Superman Returns DVD Released This Past Tuesday!
Posted Dec-12-06 13:29:47 PST

The awaited Superman Returns DVD was released this past Tuesday.... and seems to be mildly received at our local BlockBuster store. There are usually at least 25% of the DVDs in stock at any time we are there, versus 5% for the poorly made 'Nacho Libre' for instance.

We ourselves have not yet rented it, as we have seen it on the Big Screen at our local movie theatre, and are only interested in the xtras that the DVD has. There are plenty of bonus features, so we will definitely rent it to see the bonuses.

Tina was not that thrilled by the movie on the Big Screen, and I would have to give it a '7' on a '10' scale, definitely not liking the Lois Lane portrayal.

The web site that contains the updated info for the DVD is at: Superman Returns .

Updated 04-22-07 We rented the DVD, basically for the extras, as part of our Blockbuster rental package. It will Not be a DVD that we would own.

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