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Good value94% agree

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Engaging characters100% agree

93 reviews


The Butterfly Effect (DVD, 2004)

In the year 2002, Evan Treborn (Ashton Kutcher) frequently suffers from blackouts, often at moments of high stress. As a young child (played by Logan Lerman) and adolescent (played by John Patrick Amedori), Evan suffered many severe sexual abuse and psychological traumas. These traumas include being forced to take part in child pornography, being strangled by his mentally-ill father, causing an accident with dynamite with his friends, and seeing his dog being burned by his friend. Seven years later, while "entertaining" a girl in his dorm room, he realizes that when he reads from his adolescent journals, he can travel back in time, and is able to "redo" parts of his past. His time traveling episodes account for the frequent blackouts he experienced as a child. However, there are consequences to his choices that propagate back to his present life, his alternate personal futures progress from college student, to prisoner, to amputee. His efforts are driven by the desire to undo the most unpleasant events of his childhood which coincide with his mysterious blackouts, including saving his childhood sweetheart Kayleigh (Amy Smart) from being molested by her father (Eric Stoltz) and tormented by her sadistic brother (William Lee Scott).

The actions he takes, and enables others to take during his blackouts, change the timeline in the new future where he awakes. As he continues to do this he realizes that even though his intentions are good, his actions have unforeseen consequences. Moreover, the assimilation of dozens of years' worth of new memories from the alternate timelines causes him brain damage and severe nosebleeds. Ultimately, he decides that his attempts to alter the past end up only harming those he cares about, and realizes that the main cause of everyone's suffering in all the different timelines is himself.

At the conclusion of the film, Evan purposely travels back in time one final time to the first day he met Kayleigh. Before this, Evan learns that Kayleigh had a choice to either stay with her mom or her dad. Because she wanted to stay with Evan, she decided to stay with her dad, which caused all the problems in the first place. By scaring her away, Evan makes sure that she goes with her mom, thus allowing her to never be a part of his life. Through this, Evan finally succeeds in saving her life. He then destroys all of his journals and memories so that he is not ever tempted again to make any more changes.

The film ends eight years in the future with Evan leaving an office building in Manhattan and passing Kayleigh on a crowded sidewalk. They alternately pause and turn after spotting and passing each other. After a moment of hesitation, Evan lets her walk away without speaking to her.
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Very Interesting Movie

The Butterfly Effect stars Ashton Kutcher. Usually known as a funny man, this is a different kind of role for him. Playing a college students who discovers something about himself that shouldn't be possible. He is able to go back to a past part of his life and change the outcome of his actions. Trying to right his wrongs can sometimes get him in more trouble than anything else. The DVD is loaded with special features including deleted scenes and an alternate ending. While not being one of my favorite movies of all time, I would recommend it. It has a great story line and the actors do a wonderful job.Read full review...


Very Interesting Movie

The Butterfly Effect stars Ashton Kutcher. Usually known as a funny man, this is a different kind of role for him. Playing a college students who discovers something about himself that shouldn't be possible. He is able to go back to a past part of his life and change the outcome of his actions. Trying to right his wrongs can sometimes get him in more trouble than anything else. The DVD is loaded with special features including deleted scenes and an alternate ending. While not being one of my favorite movies of all time, I would recommend it. It has a great story line and the actors do a wonderful job.Read full review...


It fit the movie.

Ashton Kutcher did a great job of portraying everything from happiness to severe emotional pain and physical pain. This movie certainly shows that he can fit most any role. His expressions are fantastic. The movie was sometimes hard to keep up with later on and it got pretty confusing towards the end. It isn't a movie that I would want to watch again and again. I might want to watch it once more to make sure I understood the ending. It will definitely keep your attention for fear you will miss something!Read full review...


Amazing Movie, Best Cast, Love It 100%

I like The Butterfly Effect because it's a very interesting look on the theory of time-rift and it stars Ashton Kutcher, one of my favorite actors, in a more serious role than he is usually in. I hope he does more movies like this and become a serious actor because he proved he can do it in this movie. However, if he does more comedies soon, that would be fine as well.

Lately he hasn't been in movies since he is busy with reality T.V. shows such as: Beauty And The Geek, Adventures In Hollyhood (Three 6 Mafia & Project Pat), Miss Guided, The Real Wedding Crashers, Room 401, and Pop Fiction.

However, Ashton Kutcher will be in 1 movie this year, What Happens In Vegas... (with Cameron Diaz, Queen Latifah & Dennis Miller) and 2 next year, Personal Effects and Spread.

The sequel, Butterfly Effect 2, doesn't come close to how great the original is. Partly because it's a new cast and there's not too many flashbacks to when the main character was younger. There is some interesting scenes such as a friend of his being put through a glass table but not much else. I think the same thing happened with the sequel to White Noise.

I recommend The Butterfly Effect, but not the sequel. The first one is 5-stars, the second is 2-3 stars.
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Butterfly Effect Posted by CK-Auctions

Starting off with a poignant quote from the Chaos Theory relating how something as simple as the flutter of a butterfly can ripple into a typhoon, The Butterfly Effect is an interesting little thriller that takes a look at just how every action really does have an equal and sometimes very opposite reaction.

The filmmakers have also done a nice job with the look of the film. Where a lot of times CGI can really and truly suck, here it is used pretty effectively to emulate what Evan sees as he's going back in time. It works well without resorting to a cliché version of him seeing his life flash before his eyes or anything like that. Instead it's almost frightening in its intensity and from a purely visual standpoint, quite eye catching. There is one stand out moment the computer-generated effects are obvious, a scene where Evan wakes up and finds that he has physically changed, but aside from that, the movie looks very nice. The cinematography is slick and effective with plenty of interesting eye catching angles and colors used throughout, and the soundscape, which plays a pretty important part in the overall feel of the film, is well designed and atmospheric.

Both the 113-minute theatrical cut and the 119-minute director's cut are included on this DVD. The key difference between the two is the alternate ending that finds Tommy deducing that his relationship with Kayleigh isn't the problem after all, it is in fact something completely different. It is, in my opinion, a bleaker but better ending that suits the tone of the film better. There is also quite a bit of character development in the first third of the film that fleshes out the storyline quite a bit better. The key point though is the ending, which completely changes the tone of the film when compared to the rather syrupy theatrical ending that New Line chose to use instead. Six-minutes of running time may not seem like an awful lot of difference, but believe me, the ending is far more appropriate and changes what is basically an average quality film into a much better, albeit darker, thriller.

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Posted by CK-Auctions
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Ashton Kutcher's best film

Forget the sequels. The original Butterfly Effect has Ashton Kutcher in a moving dramatic role. I wouldn't have believed it possible after seeing him play not-too-bright teens on That 70s Show and Dude Where's My Car?; but in an intlligent adult role, Kutcher proves he can really act. The film is not for young children as it features a child molester and several violent, troubled teens. When Kutcher remembers the traumatic events of his childhood, he strives to set them right by traveling back in time to prevent them from happening. But somehow, every change he makes only makes the present situation worse. Eventually he hits upon the right solution but it means sacrificing the one relationship that is most important to him. The DVD also offers an alternate ending, but it's predictable and sad. Had they gone with that one, the viewer would have seen it coming a mile away. The ending that they actually chose is unpredictable, poignant, yet still offers a ray of hope. This film is a favorite that I have watched again and again.Read full review...


This one will get ya thinkin'!

There's nothing I like more than a movie that leaves you thinking long after it's over. Fight Club, American Beauty, and now The Butterfly Effect. What if you could go back and just change ONE thing? Well, the course of history could be changed for all you know and love if you change that little thing you did.

Ashton and Amy, along with the rest of the support cast, fit their roles very well. Aside from having a preconceived notion of Ashton that I felt would never allow me to take him seriously, he plays a convincing role.

Without giving away too much, Ashton's character finds a way he can go back in time and consciously change things he has done in his life - one thing leads to another, and suddenly he has more problems and experiences than one person should ever have to deal with.

Overall I give this movie an A. The plot is thick enough to interest anyone, it leaves you thinking long after it's over, and it will help you appreciate the magnitude of the small decisions you make every day.

The DVD is great - the director's cut ending is phenominal - the best in my opinion. Definitely worth a rent!
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Butterfly Effect is a movie that kept me on-edge and always guessing what could possibly happen next or how could it possibly get worse for the characters. It's a movie that "warns" that messing with timelines can be dangerous and may not always turn out like you think it would "if you had only done something differently".
The characters were likable and very versatile. Although at first it was difficult to figure out what was going on, if you stick with it, it will make since. It's one of those movies that if you get distracted by something while watching you can miss something major and lose a vital part of making since of the movie. So, it's best to watch it when you won't be disturbed--so use the bathroom before hand, make the popcorn before you start, and be prepared to watch it straight through.
It's a wonderful movie (This is the 2nd time I bought it, since someone "kept" my original that I loaned them.) that you'll enjoy watching again. THIS TIME I got the one with the Infinifilm so I could watch the extra features and enjoy the "secrets" behind the film. I also have Butterfly Effect 2 (which isn't nearly as good as this first one!). It's on my "Top 10 list".
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Time Travel ... Changing Your Past

Evan (Ashton Kutcher) Takes Us On a Journey Of Trying to Manipulate His Past To Make It Perfect For Him and His Beloved KayLeigh (Amy Smart). Evan Transforms His Life By Reading His Journal & Going Back Into That Time In His Life To Make Alterations. During The Process Lives Are Destroyed So Evan Keeps Trying Again To Make It All Perfect. The Ending Is a Mind Blower...I Certainly Would Have Never Guessed It.

These 2 Actors Make The Movie So Real Life Like and Truly Shows Ashton Kutcher's True Potential! To Me The Movie Truly Brings Out That Each Of Us Have a Destiny...In My Description of Destiny...It Means That We All Have Choices And What Choices We Make Leads Us To Where We Are Today!!

A Fantastic Movie With Many Twists & Turns On Evan & His Friends Lives...Some Good...Some Bad...But It Is A Really Fabulous Movie and I Highly Recommend It To ALL...One of My Favorites!!
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