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57 reviews


Good, healthy, effective diet book and plan

The first time I tried this diet I lost 7 pounds overnight, which was obviously mainly water weight, but it didn't really come back--for a long time, at least, until I started eating way too much! Plus, I could tell that I was sweating out toxins (that hasn't happened again). Pretty effective even if you cheat some--I can't tolerate ANY artificial sweetener, and I have to have some chocolate (and take some drugs.)
While it's difficult at first, I think it's a pretty healthy diet. Particularly the cranberry water, and everyone should drink lemon water every day. Great salsa recipe. You probably can't stay off the carbs for as long as she says, though.
I had borrowed it from the library and renewed it a zillion times, so when I got serious this time, I thought I'd better get my own copy!
I can't say I've followed it strictly so far, but have used the basic principles and am down about 11 pounds in a month and a half or so, though I have to say that is mainly from decreased calories.
I really like this book and would recommend it.
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Great for detoxifying

My friend lost a bunch of weight & inches & talked about how good she felt using this plan so I got very interested. I'm a Type 2 diabetic & know that my pancreas is full of toxins & possibly fat. Md's don't really know whats going on w/it so I felt that detoxifying my liver etc would be a real plus for me. I don't need to loose that much weight but with having a history of cancer & took radiation yrs ago I know that my liver was damaged therefore this has to help. My lymphatic system is real sluggish as well because that's the type of cancer I had. I'm anxious to feel & look better.
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The Fat Flush Plan in Review

I went on this diet for a month and would highly recommend it. I was about 25 pounds overweight and my my cholesterol was 312! After a month on this diet my cholesterol was 105! So it definitely works for reducing cholesterol. In the process I lost 14 pounds. The usual problem after a diet is relapsing into bad eating habits. The Fat Flush Plan includes drinking a lot of cranberry juice and water. Eating small quantities of protein 2 or 3 times a day, and including lots of fruit and vegetables in the diet. I followed it religiously.
It lays out a menu everyday for 4 weeks. There is also an exercise requirement which was easy to meet. I will continue to eat in a similar fashion. The down side is it's a lot of cooking, more easily done by someone at home than someone who works. The other downside is it's a lot of groceries, so it's not a cheap diet, and living alone there was some waste. So, if you are considering it weigh all those things in.
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Wonderfully effective!

The fat flush plan is effective and safe to do. I have done the plan 3 times in my earlier years with wonderful results each time. My son and his friend are starting it with me, and all of us have lost 2-3 pds just since our start date yesterday.Read full review...

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Effective weight loss

This is a common sense, logical way to lose weight by detoxifying the liver, which is the organ that metabolizes fat in our bodies. Although it is a "deprivation" diet, it eliminates the things which make us fat and therefore, results in fairly rapid (but healthy) weight loss. You may eat unrestricted foods in large quantities (fruits, vegetables, protein) and will not be hungry. You will just hava to re-educate your taste buds for the lack of salt, sugar, rtificial sweeteners (except for Stevia,)trans fats, etc. The author has a PhD in Science (I believe) and is a licensed CNS (certified nutrition specialist?). I lost five pounds in my first week, but my husband lost the same amount in two days. This is a diet that would be healthy for your entire lifetime with occasional "cheating" on special occasions. Unlike many other plans, it is balanced and perfectly safe for most individuals.Read full review...


The Fat Flush Plan

This book was Dr. recommended.
I love how the author explains in simple language the role the liver plays in our body and the importance of cleansing it.
I especially loved the results of staying on the plan. Have had fewer arthritis flare-ups and have lost 15 pounds. Also have much more energy!!

Have tried many diets....this one is really not a diet.....it's a healthy body cleanse. Results are amazing.
I highly recommend 'The Fat FLush Plan' to anyone who wants to shed excess fat, eliminate arthritis pain, and regain better health, energy and an increased sense of well being!
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This plan works wonders for your health!

I came across this plan when looking to cleanse my body. I do not need to lose weight, but I put my mom on the diet, who does need to lose weight, and let me tell you, it is amazing. She's lost over 20 lbs in 5 weeks, her blood sugar and blood pressure are both in the normal range and last week her doctor took her off several medications and assumes she will be off most, if not all, if things keep going this way. She feels fantastic and has no cravings for any junk food. It is a strict plan, but if you're willing to stick to it for a couple weeks, it will just become natural to you. I practically jumped right into phase 3 because I didn't want to lose any weight, and I still feel great. It is a wonderful, easy to understand plan and I recommend it to anyone looking to better their health and/or lose weight. I have told numerous people about this and continue to spread the word. Health is too important to let yourself go!Read full review...


Excellent Guide for The Willing

I picked this book because I wanted to "flush" my liver, and possibly lose inches around my middle. After one week, it IS working, and I've been sleeping much better, waistbands are not so tight, and I am neither cranky nor suffering from cravings. Because I was already on a much "cleaner" diet, the changes required were less of an adjustment. I had to cut out diet colas.

The book is very clearly written and very specific. This is not a diet, but an introduction to a way of life promising much better health and wellness.

This program finally made sense to me; Ms. Gittleman's presentation is straightforward and clear.

The program is very restrictive, which would have discouraged me a few years ago. However, I've become much more familiar with the stuff she writes about and have embraced the concepts and procedures set forth in the book

This book is wonderful for the person who is focused on feeling better. It is simple, but not EASY. Users must forgo caffeine, "white" processed foods, and stick to a strict regimen of high-grade, digestible proteins and complex carbohydrates in the form of leafy greens, whole fruits and whole grains (non-gluten for many). It DOES help those willing to take all of its steps. Only the individual can determine if it's the plan to better health for THEM.
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Flush the Fat Away

Ann Louise Gittleman, has had several outstanding books, review, and articles regarding health and diet issues. By far this is one of her best books, on weight loss, vitamins, detox, and other health issues. She doesn't waste any time getting to the real deal, and letting you know that you can flush out fat (detox), change your lifestyle, and lose weight and most importantly " inches". Don't watch the scale, follow what she says, and you'll be a dress/pant size or two smaller in a month. You can go strictly by the book, or figure out your own way (cheat a little), using her basic guide of essentials. Similar to some of the ideas in the MUFA book, she talks about the good oils and the bad oils, and what's essential for you to lose and flush out the fat. Don't borrow this book from the library, save yourself the time and headaches and just purchase it. It will be your constant companion, and you'll find yourself going back to it, again and again. I lost weight/inches effortly. So, now you can too. Choose to lose, by Flushing out the Fat.Read full review...


A guide to health for anyone!

The Fat Flush Plan is an extremely informative and life changing book. A must for anyone! Ann Louise Gittleman clearly demonstrates her passison to help people with obesity and health issues caused by unhealthy eating. It is a book about natural cleansing and detoxifying the liver to maximize the fat-burning cycle. The American diet has deteriorated over the years and this book guides you in a "take-charge of your life" mentality. It backs up research with documentation so you can feel confident that the information given is true and beneficial for you or anyone needing to change their diet. It goes into detail about the how and why. This is a must-read for every American who is in bondage from the affects of overeating. It is a God-send to anyone who is willing to follows the plan. Like anything worth its weight in gold, this book is a treasure for only those that will take on the challenge of turning their life around, seriously. The info is there; the choice is yours. I have found this book to be very indepth, so take it in small chuncks to absorb the information shared. Use highlighters to be able to refer to key areas quickly. This is a comprehensive and well-written book. Be prepared to become a student and learn how to turn the tide of obesity and it's damaging consequenses. I also highly recommend Gittleman's companian Fat Flush Cookbook.Read full review...

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