4.74.7 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics95% agree

Compelling gameplay95% agree

Good value98% agree

485 reviews


Beautiful looking game.

I decided to buy this after reading several reviews praising the graphics. This is an absolutely beautiful looking game. It's a nice action/adventure game with a nice mix of shooting/running/jumping/puzzle solving. None of the puzzles are too hard, and if you take too long the game will offer you a hint of what you're supposed to do next. The game moves along nicely between firefights and climbing/scaling walls to get to the next area. Overall the game is a little easy (for me). The shooting/aiming system leaves something to be desired, but it works. One shot kills are not easy, if at all possible in this game most of the time. It often takes 5-7 shots to kill an enemy, which is kinda lame. However this is not a FPS game so I should have expected that. But the real reason I got this game was because of the graphics and they do not disappoint. Beautifully rendered jungles and waterfalls bring this game to life. Definitely the best looking game I have seen on the PS3 so far. That being said, I can look past the quirky aiming system and movement controls. This game delivered on what I expected. A great looking game thats fun to play without being too hard. I'm only 2 days into playing it so who knows how it'll turn out? But I'm satisfied with my purchase so far.

If I had to list my cons for this game it would be: Weak aiming system, Controls are a little slack sometimes, A few areas seem impossible while the rest of the game is a breeze so it's a little unbalanced at times. I would not buy/recommend this game brand new for $60, but if you can find it used for under $40 then pick it up.
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Very entertaining, for most ages

Very vivid and realistic rendering, sometimes too vivid, when looking around for treasure artefacts. at any rate, the controls are very simple, at times you wish there was a 'lock-on-target' button, it would help if there was a 'strafe' function too. the weapons you are allowed to carry are a handgun, a submachine gun (or shotgun) and up to four grenades. this offers limited choice, but somewhat adds to the suspense of the game evolution and difficulty. the roleplay is quite simple and lacks in difficulty, the puzzles are very easy to figure out. If there was obstacles/puzzles like say in thePrince of Persia series, it would increase the feeling of reward in the game's progression. however, as the game is currently, it makes it more of a shooter than a role play/thinking game.
Sound effects are good. Music soundtracts are excellent (a lot of thought gone into them). Stage design is pretty good, albeit repetitive at times.
The plot is interesting but at times too predictable. Overall a good game experience, as expected of a PS3 title.
If i knew before i bought the game what i have experienced having played it (if that makes sense) I would definitely buy it, as it has a good story and brilliantly vivid environments. The amount of shooting is significant and blood splatter is controlled, although I would not want my younger cousins (not yet 16 years old) to play shooting games, but it is much better than other dedicated shooters.
Hope this is helpful.
Best to all gamers.
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Meet a new hero for the ages - Nathan Drake

Good: Lush jungle environments are stunningly realized; Drake's animations are nuanced and naturalistic; Good character development and voice acting.

Bad: Tough and plentiful enemies can make firefights frustrating; Platforming elements can be too forgiving; Certain story elements are underdeveloped.

It took us about eight hours to get through Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and it was an action-packed eight hours, without much in the ways of load times or informational status screens to break it up. The imbalance between the gunplay and the platforming is jarring but forgivable--but the platforming itself works pretty well and looks fantastic thanks to the game's excellent motion-captured animation. If nothing else, Uncharted is a graphical showcase for the PlayStation 3, and it dazzles the senses at nearly every opportunity.
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Very good game. Smooth functions and playability.

This game was for a PS3 platform. It was fairly simple to learn the controls and the game very well.

I actually played this game myself. You got a lot of game play for your dollar. The storyline was good. The graphics and sound were excellent.

The game is bloody and violent. Shooting zombies is one thing, blowing up "real people" is another. There were two points in the game were I had to seek professional assistance (my gamer son) to get me out of trouble with what appeared to be an endless attack by zombies.

What I really liked was the "easy game mode" that provided hints if you didn't "get it" in terms of the games strategy. Further, if you were being relentlessly creamed by the bad guys, it would advance you forward beyond that point before you destroyed the Playstation in frustration.

I hadn't played a video game "all the way through" in many years. This was a very enjoyable experience.
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drakes adventure

this game rocks! let me tell ya, best graphics i have seen so far on a ps3.This game is focusd mainly on the gun play, if you like guns well this game gots plenty of them, you basicly run around through each stage searching for the next clue.Your looking for the lost city of el dorado and you are not the only one on this quest,you will fight in alot of gun battles wich are preety fun,you get ahold of alot of weapons, my favorite is the one handed gernade launcher, just the way you hop out of a corner, fire the shot and see a group of enemies go boom! is enough for me .Drakes animation's are smooth and fluid, i like how when he gets pinned down and the guns are blazing and how drake ''the main character'' makes these little comment's like "oh crap" or when you are on your last clip of amo and he says "here we go" really ads to the realisim and mood to this game.The game is in 3rd person view and the hand to hand combat is not as fun as the gunplay but it has it's moments, i give this game 4 stars out of 5 because it doesnt have any multiplayer but if you can get around that you'll have a grand time.Read full review...


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

"Most fun I've had since Mega Man 2"
Hello Gaming Public and welcome to my first review for the PS3. Indeed my first work on period. I hope it is helpful if you are thinking of purchasing the game in question.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. = Wow
Thats all I can really say. But even such a great game is not without its flaws.

Graphics: Graphically this game is the top of the heap as far as the PS3 power house... simply the best presentation to date on the PS3. Everything in the game from the seamless cut scenes to the animations of Drake stumbling through the jungle are wonderful. I can count on one hand how many glitches I found and even the camera work, (which is usually a problem even now a days in these types of games), was executed perfectly.

Sound: Not wanting to leave anything short the folks at Naughty Dog put just as much effort into the sound as they did the visuals for the game. The use of the odd instruments in the musical score was wonderful and really set the mood for each locale that you visit. Even the sound of ricocheting bullets as they zing past your head is in there. And the trash talking from the baddies as they taunt you during a fight? Too fun. The dialog is very well written and with great performances from the actors it really drives the story. One word of caution though: The dialog and cut scenes and the game itself was developed to give you the closest thing to an interactive movie experience that the programmers could give you. The dialog is no exception. Expect to hear mild language at different points and while its inclusion in the game did not bother me at all nor does it distract you from the over all enjoyment of the game, there are some of us who my be offended so be warned. All in all... when all elements are considered, the sound is top notch and perfectly compliments the masterful work on the visuals.

Controls / Playability: The PS3 controller is put to good use in Uncharted: Drakes fortune. The button configuration is easy to grasp and the controls are smooth as silk. Gone are the days of wonky controls for those of us who enjoy robbing graves and exploring caves. The SIXAXIS control portion of the game is well done although I did find it rather limited. Perhaps though some would think that less is more in this respect. All in all the control is kept relatively simple and easy to grasp for the casual gamer to come along and pick up in a short time.

Replay Value: Uncharted is not a long game by any means but it is very involved. From exploring every nook and cranny of lush environments looking for treasure, to trying not to get your head ventilated by a bullet from your adversaries you will be on your toes. The replay value of this great title comes from the fact that as you work your way through the story line you have different side objectives. The is a multitude of treasures to find that are hidden throughout the game as well as achievements to accomplish such as "100 head shot kills" or "30 Kills with a Brutal combo". Each of these tasks net you a certain number of points and as you earn points you unlock various things such as behind the scenes film clips, concept art or even cheats.

Bottom Line: Uncharted is a great game with a challenging adventure, engaging story, great visuals, and even greater sounds. A possibility of 4 difficulties and a plethora of hidden things to find and plenty of goodies to unlock, it will keep you coming back over and over.
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Uncharted delivers on Indiana Jones style Action!

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Uncharted is one of the finest games I have played for PS3 thus far. One of my only complaints is that it is too short.

Gameplay: 9.5/10
Pros: Gameplay is very fun and combines a lot of styles nicely: platforming (Mario 64, Jak&Daxter, etc), pop-n-stop gunplay (Gears of War), and puzzle solving (tons of games). The story of this game is also very compelling with quite a few twists.
Cons: Game is short, only single player, and the gunplay is not nearly as refined as many shooter fans will require.

Graphics: 10/10
Pros: One of the finest looking games out there for PS3 period. Beautiful graphics and fantastic animations. Water even soaks into Drake's clothes!
Cons: Some animations look odd to me (climbing sideways?). Locales in the game lack variety (primarily because there is only 1 large island) though they do their best to mix up the looks.

Sound/Music: 9.5/10
Pros: Fantastic Indiana Jones inspired score and music. Fantastic voice acting and constant bad guy chatter. The Sound effects ain't too shabby either. Legitamate laughs and great one-liners.
Cons: Some bad guy lines are recycled too much.

Lasting Appeal: 8.5/10
Pros: You will definitely want to complete this adventure to wrap up the story and Drake's quest. You will probably want to play through again to enjoy the gameplay and play on a harder difficulty and you may even want to play over and over again to unlock everything and work on the built in achievement system for this game.
Cons: The campaign is relatively short and there doesn't appear to be any major unlockables that alter the game too much on subsequent playthroughs. How many times can you really play through a single-player game? Even one as fine as this.

Average: 93.75%
Tilt: +0.25%

Ultimately, there are certain parts of Drake's Fortune that are rough around the edges (vehicle sections, gunplay, some animations, etc.) but all of these minor complaints and critiques melt away when you are playing Uncharted. It's another great Naughty Dog Franchise. Plus if you like Indiana Jones, there is no game out there that has ever captured that feeling better than Uncharted: Drakes Fortune.

Verdict: 94%
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Getting ready for the sequal!

The graphics are phenomenal in this game. The lighting is so vivid and everything just makes you feel like you are in a jungle looking for a lost treasure.

The game does take the game play from Gears of War with the whole duck and cover mechanics but it does it well. The gameplay is fluid and the only reason I'm getting it, is to get ready for Uncharted 2. Nothing is wrong with this title. It is a great PS3 release game especially since it still goes for like $40 at the stores.

Grab it if you can!
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Great adventure, story, music and gameplay!

As a big fan of both the Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones franchises, I welcomed Uncharted as a new addition to the archaeological adventure genre. The graphics are good for the time and the voice acting is excellent. The storyline is solid and rooted in history with the twist that the protagonist Nathan Drake is a direct descendent of the pirate and privateer Sir Francis Drake. There’s action, humor, sarcasm, romance. The characters and their relationships are realistic and entertaining (I especially loved Drake’s sidekick/partner in crime Sully) and it’s no wonder fans are pushing for a live-action adaptation of the series. Gameplay was quite good with a fair balance between climbing/sliding/shimmying/jumping and attack/shoot ‘em up sequences. I would have liked the addition of more puzzles and ancient booby traps to solve or evade, but then again this is not Tomb Raider. Lastly, the music was memorable (especially the recurring theme) and complemented the gameplay and storyline. Overall a memorable game that I would play again and I look forward to the next two installments in the series!Read full review...


Best pre-2009 game that ps3 owners can have

It's been a rough year for PlayStation 3 owners. Exclusives have been lost, a handful of titles have been bumped from the bottom line-bolstering holiday season, and Lair was Lair. With each disappointment, more and more fans have looked to Uncharted: Drake's Fortune -- a title whose screenshots have been lauded for months -- to be the saving grace of Sony's 2007.

But pinning so much on one title pretty much guarantees a letdown, doesn't it? Can Naughty Dog live up to more than a year of mouthwatering coverage and placate fans who forked over $600 to see stellar title after stellar title come out on non-PS3 platforms?

Yes. Yes, it can. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is the most fun I've had in a videogame this year.

Putting you in the shoes of Nathan Drake -- a worldly treasure hunter on the trail of something big -- Uncharted tosses players into a third-person action/adventure/platforming/shooting homage to the pulp-action movies of yesteryear. Nate takes on pirates, scales ancient walls, swings from jungle vines and solves puzzles using the most basic of clues on his path to unearthing the secrets of his ancestor Sir Francis Drake alongside his cigar-chomping buddy Sullie and newswoman Elena.

Uncharted does what few titles manage -- it completely immerses you in its experience. From the moment the game begins with a sweeping camera move through the waters off Panama, a rich score and the words of Sir Francis Drake etched on screen, Uncharted will have you hooked. It'll maintain that hold with its story, style and gameplay.

If the broad strokes of Drake's treasure hunting story sound hackneyed -- a tough female reporter who hates the hero at first slowly starts to dig him, the older partner's past catches up with him on the hunt of the century, etc. -- rest assured that the possible setback is blown out of the water by the superb dialogue and motion capture from the cast.

I don't like your haircut.
A lot of times we as an industry like to wax on and on about how videogames rival movies, but rarely do we have an example as well done as Uncharted. Nate is funny as he laments over yet another wall he needs to scale, Sullie is loveable as he tells the same traveler's tales over and over, and Elena's fire for her story and give-and-take with Nate is endearing. When these characters interact and you watch their relationships grow, you feel like you're part of their circle. You feel like they're your friends.

Hell, Naughty Dog even went the extra step and made Elena and Sullie non-playable characters that actually help you out.

From the first time Elena and I got into it with a set of pirates, she was alongside our hero shooting the bad guys. Mind you, she wasn't softening them up for Drake and she wasn't hiding, she was shooting to death the guys I missed. When Sullie and I were investigating ancient ruins in the heart of the jungle, my former mentor was quick to pull chain levers to open doors for me as well as provide his lighter to enact certain puzzle pieces on our journey.

Non-playable characters with spot-on AI is something we don't see enough of in games.
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